Thursday, November 23, 2006

What The FUCK

It is very sad to know that people don't T.H.I.N.K anymore.

Most people don't THINK before they open their mouth to start commenting and making assumptions.

Worst still if they don't listen to what was being conversed and just jump in and start yelling and commenting.

Brain was given to us for a reason. To THINK, analyse, draw your own perspective and conclusion, then output thru your mouth. Not the other way round.

Also, sad but very true, alot of people are not good in what they do, yet they are taking the better things in life, be it work or personal. Than again, God is fair(at least I would like to think), when you are blessed with a good career, your family life usually sucks and vice versa.(like quarrel everyday la, their children who are junkies la, hated by classmates la, obese in size la, husband actually is gay la, wife is a whore la, husband or wife spends most of their time working overseas la etc etc). When you have good family lfe, your career is a mess(10 years same position la, nobody cares about you at work la, always got the worst from your bosses la etc etc).

If someone have both bad career and family life, they should just go commit suicide.

(Well, as you can see, I am in a fucking bitchy mode today. That is being conservative. In fact, I am in a FUCKING FUCKING FOUL & BITCHY MOOD today. Don't fuck around.)

Photo : The beauty of nature and man's architecture of destruction...


Anonymous said...

It's just a job. Why fuss over it? Life is such, not everything is FAIR. The same amount of hard work DOES NOT equal to same amount of returns. The choice is simple: (a)turn to the dark side, be a slaker and ride along others' glory (b)stay in the sun, cruise along the breeze and be a evergreen willow tree!

- Unfair

Keevy - 小明® said...

Doesnt it feel so good after all that swearing??? Hahaha

This is simply a FUCKING world so get on with your fucking life...LOL