Sunday, November 05, 2006

We adore

Without fail, we always have our monthly and weekly Japanese reading material purchases from Kinokuniya.

In the photo, you will see Cam-Can, UsagiKiller's favorite monthly must buy mag. And it grew to be my favorite as well...bcos of Yu Yamada..right cover girl. She is simply amazing and gorgeous!!! Now she is into singing and starting to have more roles in TV serials and movie. Her latest movie to air soon is Akihabara@Deep...she potrays a tech-geek-rock style gal in the movie*Gasp!!!* Not forgetting the left cover gal, Ebi-chan. Crowd favorite. She is big in Japan as well, appearing in MacDonalds ads and promoting the Ebi-Burger(appropriately). Currently watching one of her serial. ~~And Keevy, once they decide to go porn, I will let you know~~

The snacks you see below, well, what can I say. Who are we to resist??? Simply adore their snacks and marketing style. that explains my ever increasing weight...

Apparently, we are born in the wrong country...

Photo : See above blog..(duh!)

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

I still prefer it in motion...hahaha