Thursday, November 30, 2006

Submerged ~ Thomas Wentworth Higginson

I will be Submerged from today.

Should Emerge again on the 5 Dec...

I shall post the next few days Xmas photos in advance to keep whoever are free enought to read/view my rubbish blog entertained, untill my emergence day.

For me it's gonna be a photography exile..and to enjoy some fresh air(I hope!)

Time to run away from all the crap and nonsense that have been surrounding me recently...good timing...

Good the good news last night. Now, I can add in "2007" on to my little Green Ball on my desk...It will now read.."2005", "2006" and "2007". Excellent news!!

Gonna catch up with the bouncing boobs volleyball, Marcus Fenix and Vaan before hitting off...

Photo : Blurry and romantic lights of joy...

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