Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pret A Manger ~ Passionate About Food

It's Here.

The extremely popular sandwich joint Pre A Manger (Pret uh mon zhay) opens it's door last week here in Singapore.

Located at Robinson Road, ideally. Targeted at the office crowd. Hooray!!

I have been raving about Pre A Manger since I get to taste it(almost everyday) in Hong Kong earlier this year. Pret A Manger was my first choice source of lunch venue for a week in Hong Kong. They served freshly made(daily) sandwiches, wraps, baguettes, soups and salads. None of the items are left over night, all made daily and the remaining will be given to charity at the end of biz day. Some of the more perishable ones actually have a time line(within the day limit). Once, they refused to sell me a particular wrap, cos it had past their "fresh" timing, althought it's within the day. I was pretty upset, cos i dun get to eat my wrap. Then again, I am very appreciative of their way of doing Food & beverage biz. Excellent!

All their food are place in a long huge row of freezer, you walk over, take what you want, go grab a cuppa, sit down and enjoy. The lunch crowd is huge and the line is usually long. But the food are excellent, especially if you are the sandwich people. the wrap is my personal favorite.

I have not been to the one in Singapore yet, but I am sure the standard will be as good. Pret A Manger is a UK chain and have stores in UK, NY and Hong Kong. The Hong Kong store opened in 2002, after 4 years, finally Singapore have it's first. Franchise by O.B. International.

Good thing that it is located in the biz district, so there will not be so many kiasu Singaporeans go jam up the store, just cause it's new and a first. Let the office lunch crowd enjoy their lunch in peace, please. I can foresee my lunch for the next 2-3 weeks will be from Pret A Manger...

Photo : Top ~ X'Mas Lights...
Middle ~ Pret A Manger in Hong Kong Island
Bottom ~ Cuppa at Pret A Manger

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