Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stress Relief

Week of 17 Nov's Famitsu Weekly comes with a 360 demo for Lost Odyssey.

Lost Odyssey is the second of two epic RPG projects for Microsoft by Mistwalker, the studio founded by Square-Enix's, Final Fantasy Creator(grandfather) Hironobu Sakaguchi. His initial move away from Square-Enix to set up his own company, Mistwalker and create exclusively for Xbox360, send shock waves thru Japan's gaming industry. Headlines all over Japanese newspapers and magazines.

His first epic Blue Dragon hits store this Dec...a long wait, Finally! Lost Odyssey comes 2007. Looking at the screen shots and live demo of both work, it is really way above the images of FFXII. Technology really is moving so fast that if we dun change and adapt, we will fall behind instantly.

Besides the interesting Demo, This week's Famitsu also covers the first ever reviews of PS3's launch games, and also advertisments of PS3 and Wii softwares. It's already here. Finally. System and Game. After 6 years. Take a close look, Ridge Racer gets 9s from all of the 4 reviewers. If you know Japan well, Famitsu's reviews are the strictest and gives no shit about giving comments. Apparently, the RR7's review reads "very very satisfied" from the reviewers. Well done.

Gonna go enjoy the Lost Odyssey demo now, then go see Vaan in Ivalice(probably my last purchase to grace my 6 years old PS2).

Photo : Top - Cover is the actress of Death Note, Erika Toda. DVD Demo.
Middle - PS3 reviews on the odd(right hand) page
Bottom - PS3 reviews on the even(left hand) page

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