Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I forgot to bring out my handkerchief one day and I felt totally uneasy and like a big part of me is mssing...

You see, I have been using handkerchief for the longest years and it have became a vital everyday object that must have. Just like a mobile. I am sure most people will go back home to take their mobile if they forget or would felt totally uneasy without it.

Certain things have become such a integral part of our life that most of the time, we take it for granted and does not know the importance untill it is missing. Hanky, belt, mobile, watches etc etc...not only to the material objects, but also to those around you. Cheris them!!

Photo : See! A missing cat name Whiskey!! Now the owners know how important it is. Maybe it got so drunk with whiskey during one night out partying and got lost...

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

That is a nice shot!

Now I know why sometimes I can't think properly...because i forgotten to bring my brain out...