Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Nothing good happened so far...

The bus journey home last night was horrendous. Right in the middle of the bus, there is this LOUD "BEEEEEEE!!!!!" sound that goes non-stop. And I mean real loud. You have to scream when you talk that kinda loud. Then 1 german woman came sit next to me and started shouting to her friend who is sitting next to her.(no, they are not arguing, normal convesation, mind you...), then another 2 woman come sit behind me and started the same kinda conversation, shouting and non-stop.

Ipod on.

Then upon reaching the LRT, a FAT man blocked the way into the train, cos he is running sooooooooo slowly, and I got jammed behind him. The worst thing is, he got onto the train, and I was made to wait for another 5 minutes. All because he is fat and slow and block my fucking way.

Cursed him.

After reaching home, spent 45mins in Ivalive with Vaan and gang. 45mins, 2 levels increased, then...the whole party got wiped out! Nothing was saved! The 45mins of effort all gone.

Cursed self and got off Ivalice.

This morning, put on the earphones of the ipod, then started scrolling for songs, during the silence of choosing a song...I heard faint radio broadcast emerging from the silence background of the earphones! There are no transmitter embedded in my ipod!! Arghed!!! This is weird...very weird...

Prayed to god.

How many weird happening can one endure for 24hours????? sigh.

Photo : Love the faint blue effect and the partial red background with the yellow flower. It's all about Colours!

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Hahaha...the one about the fat man is so funny...i may end up blocking someone's way in the future

Love the pic too for its colour!