Thursday, November 16, 2006


School shoes.

When you were in school(primary or secondary), what was the colour of your shoes. White? I am sure most of us(now age between 25 and above)would have been wearing white school shoes. Guess most of the time, it goes with the school uniform colour that your school decides. And it largely depends on which extremely poor-taste fellow designs and decides on the overall colour theme.

I noticed these days, school shoes tends to appear in black colour. Total black. No lining or anything at all. And the matching uniform will either be Dark Brown, Black or dull red...

It is absolutely disgusting and ugly. I will have absolutely no pride and joy in donning that uniform. NO WAY!

Black shoes??? To school???? Whatever happen to pure white??? Where every boys and girls looks so clean, neat and proper!! Now Black???!!!

I think we have been exposed to extreme poor taste since young and thus lead to the lack of appreciation of beautiful and finer things in life. The next generation will get worst.

I just cannot take it whenever I see black coloured school shoes! Maybe we should engage the designers from "Project Runway" to help with the uniforms! Where everyone will feel proud and cool of their school uniform!

Yes. I know. I have very strong opinion. And once I made up my mind and opinion, I hardly change. Hardly. Black School shoes are a total disgrace. Absolute.

Red Shoes? Anyone??

Photo : Matsumoto Kiyoshi. UsagiKiller's favorite chain of shops(read cosmetics and women products) in Japan. Will never miss stepping into one whenever she come across them. And the thing is, you see Matsumoto Kiyoshi EVERYWHERE in Japan...
The foeground again is badly cut out and the exposure, tone of the photo is disastrous."I would not have taken this photo this way now..."

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Remember the Bata Turbo, US Master, Converse All Star etc? The good old days