Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Scent of a Book...

I have a weird habit.

No. I have MANY weird habits.

One of those is..I love to smell a book...

Yes. I would always flip open the pages of a book(any book) and put my nose real close(touching most of the time) to the paper and sniff/smell it.

It smells nice.

New books have their "New" smell...

Old books have their own distinctive smell...

Yes, i sniffed through every book that I owned...and UsagiKiller is still trying to accept this habit of mine. It just seems strange and abnormal to her...
It is absolutely second nature to me.

There is only one other person I know that does the same thing as me...UsagiKiller's niece. She is about 9 years old and does exactly the same thing.

Come on! I am sure many many people does that!!!

The only conclusion UsagiKiller could come out with is, both of us LOVE our books too much.


Photo : The best Ramen I have tried in Japan. Period. This particular outlet is the one in Shibuya. Yummy!!!! About this photo...Where is the foreground??? What is that woman doing by the doorway??Too much of the ceiling in the photo!! Sigh! I would not have taken it this way now...

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