Monday, November 06, 2006

Kupo Kupo

Felt a little edgy and frustrated this morning.

Anything and everything seems to put me off. Heart rates goes up to above 180 kinda feeling. Dunno what's wrong..maybe PMS... hmmm...

It does not help with irritation flying all over. Arghed!!

And it have to rain near noon! This worsen the PMS.

Still, nothing will put me off from going off this evening to see Penelo, Vann in Ivalice. Kupo! 9 hours spent in Ivalice and all seems well and amazing... another 40 more hours I hope, and the adventure should end...Kupo...

Photo : This is the kinda stuff that irks me when I was young. Simply hate it! But grew out of the fear as I got older. Now only afraid of UsagiKiller

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