Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Are We?

"Men are all Idiots. What's wrong with all these men??"

The above sentence have been going around me for the past 2 weeks. Floating pass me. The owner of this sentence is none other than some members of Team Alcohol...

Well...I can only guess what arouse that quote. And most fo the time, it involves a man, a woman and some really complicated relationship or feelings of sort.

Well, i kinda agreed that men are idiots.(Partly I have to cos I am in a enviroment of 11 ladies vs 1 man~me). Being the only man here, i get to see many things other men dun(jealous aren't you? :) ). Get to understand many things other men dun. I get to go into their world and see from their view. I have to let go of my male thinking to blend in. So I am officially a sister to them... Dun get me wrong, these ladies here are lovely bunch!

See, the whole complicated thing between men and women is about their most nature form. "What is inside their head." See below what are in the individual species mind...

WOMEN - Thinks too much, too complicated, too emtional, wants commitment, hurts easily, too sensitive, wants attention every other minute, fickle minded.

MEN - Dun think, Football, Sex, Booze, Sex, Sleep, Sex, Fart, Sex, work, sex.

Now you see the difference.

So, I have to agreed that more or less that men are idiots. Idiots that are straight forward and simple. Than again, women, please dun think too much.

Still, I love you all!!!! Of cos not forgetting Usagi Killer!

Photo : X'mas with a touch of purple...


Anonymous said...

Women think with their heart. Men think with their dick.

A very hungry Baby Tibu

Keevy - 小明® said...

Hahaha....cant agree more...

Baby Tiby is hungry for your dick...LOL

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! This is funny... actually... I rather have a Donut now...
I am on a diet and kept having hallucination of food... soon i'll be eating my own trotter...