Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cool Dudes of Friday...

Had dinner with a former colleague last night...

She have always been a "boy" to me, and yes, a boy that I doted on very much!! :)

Before we met last evening, she told me that "People say I am much more pretty now." I nearly spilled my cuppa when i heard that.

Well, we met last night, and indeed...she is..err...Prettier...sweeter...err..still as boyish... Bwahahahaahahahahah!

Yes yes yes, still as sweeeeeet and adorable as before! Still full of live and energy!! Always a joy to have around! And we all missed you around here!

We had lotsa fun conversation last night...and made some amazing discoveries...depressing at the same time... hahahaha!! We had a really really good laugh!

Was listening to Aerosmith thru my ipod on the way to work today, good old memories of those classic songs comes flooding back. One of my particular favorite from Aerosmith is "Dude (Looks like a lady)". Amazing guitar and flow of the music, to think that song is from 1987 and still gives so much wonder in the new century!

"Dude Looks like a lady!! Ta Da Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta..." Amazing stuffs.

Oh, by the way, I love to leave hidden, between the line, messages within my blog entries...see if you can guess what I have hidden here...

I am sure some of you will be able to understand it totally. For those who can't, dun try asking me. I will never breathe a word. My message is fully hidden and a secret.

Photo : "Look at the sky, the Stars will shine for you..."

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