Monday, November 13, 2006

Yodabashi Camera

The rain spoiled my weekend.

Wanted to hit the streets at night with the camera and tripod for the Christmas lightings, and it had to rain! Argh! So everything is put on hold. Hope it dun rain this weekend, If not I may be late for the "Christmas Photo" Project...

With free time over the weekend now thanks to the rain, I ran thru some of the old photos that I took some years back, and that set me thinking. My shooting and perspective of a subject have changed drastically.

"I would not have taken this photo from this view, or this way or this part etc etc" came thru my head as I was running thru them. I will post some of those "Past Photos" this whole's gonna be interesting...

Today's photo is the Yodabashi-Camera store in Shinjuku. It was one of the hot venue for the PS3 official launch last Saturday(11 Nov 2006) in Japan. People get in line from 6pm on Friday evening in anticipation of the system!

See the photo..there's no foreground, the whole building was cut off at the left, what on earth is the green tree doing on the right?, the bald spect man is looking at my lens! Argh! I would not have taken the shot this way now...

Photo : Yodabashi Camera in Shinjuku

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