Monday, November 27, 2006

You Dun Belong Here

Some people just dun belong.

Often alot of mistakes are made to get someone to where they are. And those mistakes can be costly.

From where I am, if you are not a lady or a gentleman, you dun belong here.

Not at all. .

Ladies and Gentlemen here treat people with respect and integrity, trust and honesty, genuine care and concern. However, there have to be some idiot that does none of that. And she dare to step foot in, trying to "change" and "improve" things. Given the benefit of the doubt, but nothing have changed and improve after so so long. It got worst.

Can't you tell nobody like you here? Except for those that suck and lick your arse to get what they want. Unfortunately, nobody else respects what you do and your role.

It's time you leave. Go back to where you belong. You dun belong in this category. You are not a lady and a gentleman. Give you another 20 years(if you can live that long), you will still not understand and embrace who and what we are. You are after all, barbarian and caveman at heart. Go home. You are not welcome here.

Fake arse.

Photo : Angel that dun belong to the "beauty of X'mas"...

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