Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Virgin untill you did it

Everyone have a first time for everything.

First time tieing your own shoe lace, First time completed reading a novel, First time you score "A" for a subject in school, First time you watch a movie, First time you ride on a bus, First time you took a plane, First time you swam etc.

There are always a first time to everything that we do, and sometimes, there's the one and only time in life. So I always believe, Just do whatever you wanna do. Dun live to regret it later in life that you did not do whatever.

I remember the very first time I went to a cinema to watch a movie was in 1982, 6 years old then. And the movie was Rambo : First Blood. yup, I dun know half the time what they were showing, but I remember wandering around the cinema, looking at the people and playing...that's as far back as my memory can go.

The first song i "thought" i like was "Stairways to Heavan". That was i think in the year 1985. I remember very clearly that my next door neighbour was blasting this song so loud everyday. And i could not get the tune off my head after prolong listening to it. Later I got to know that was Stairway to Heavan. The tune was always there in my head, and never did leave.

The first time i discover gals was 5 years old i first year in kindergarden play school. Hmm..i started young! hahah!

Anyway, think back there are andless "first time" for everyone and it's fun thinking back...

Photo : UsagiKiller's first victim.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

You just have to remind her huh...hahaha