Sunday, November 19, 2006

One People, One Nation, One Obsession

What defines a Singaporean dish?

Personally, I think we don't really have a particular identity for a "Singaporean Dish". Cos it can be so many and very subjective for fellow Kia-Su-Poreans.

One's gonna say, "Katong Laksa. no arguments about it."

Another's gonna say, "Loh Mee!". "Chili Crab!"!

Let's put it this way, if you were to go live in North Pole for 12 months, what would be THE dish that you want desperately to taste? Well, THAT, would be your very own Kia-Su-Porean dish.

For me, it will have to be Satay(must be Malay made. Chinese Satay sucks big time), Grilled Stingray with Sambal Chili, and Sambal Kang Kong!!!! If you notice...spice is a big thing here... I really cannot understand the national obsession of "Chili with every dish"....But, the problem is, I can't do without Chili!!!!!!!!

I am sure you will have your own opinion and comments on your favorite local dish. But no matter what it is, I think that we have "The Best Food In The World!!". Just walked into a food market and you are in heavan.

Oh! Talking about OBSESSION...Kia-Su-Poreans are obsesssed with all thing that starts with..."The Most...", "The Biggest...", "The Best...", The Largest...", "The Cheapest...."etc etc...seriously. Trust me, if I were to start my own business and call it...JackRedStaurant..and sell, "Singapore's Biggest Burger, Singapore's Lagest Fries at Singapore's Cheapest Price", I will be a Billionaire in 2 days. (But then again, I will start opening up another 20 JackRedStaurant over the island, trying to earn more and then crashed out of business and being labeled a "Bubble Trade"...Haha! Stupid.)

For me, I am happy with my humble Stingray and Kangkong. No need to be "The Best..." As long as the Sambal Chili don't go wrong!

Photo : What can I say.. I am hungry again...


Keevy - 小明® said...

For me, it has to be Chicken Rice

Yesterday, my cousin remarked to me (when i was staring at the fried chicken wings) '30 years no change...still love chicken as ever'...

My reply was 'yes, no doubts about that...'

Chicken King

Keevy - 小明® said...

Come to think of it...i like the name JackRedStaurant.

Go on and open one!!!!!!

JackRedShoes said...

I will definitely go into F&B biz if I have the capital. And i am gonna target the "ladies". Make cupcakes for example. Even if it dun taste good, the cupcake is pretty, the women will buy!(hahaha!Predictable!!)
Sure become Billionaire in a matter of days.

Anonymous said...

I missed Loh Mee, Quay Chup, Sambal stingray.......


JackRedShoes said... are missing ALOT!!!!