Friday, November 24, 2006

No Shame

I am in my suit, looking charming and suave.

Standing infront of a rubbish bin, smoking my cigi with dashing style. Waiting for the enjoyment to end and put the butt away into the bin.

While day-dreaming away, something colourful caught my eyes...the content inside the bin...

There are lotsa rubbish in the bin..and something distintively different lead my eyes in there...

A S$2.00 bill was inside a thrown away plastic bag inside the rubbish bin...!!(I began to recalled I am only left with 75cents untill payday.)

Standing there..looking cool and full of charm..having a internal strugger..should I stretch my hands in and take out the plastic bag to retrieve the S$2...or just walk away knowing there is money there....?

There are lotsa people around me...

There are money in the bin...

Jack's Angel : "Come on, you are a fine gentlemen, no worries about it. You still look cool."

Jack's Devil : "Hey, JackAss, dun be a fool, it's money, take it!"

Jack's Angel : "Well, you can put the money to good use."

Jack's Devil : "If you dun take it, you will regret it!!"

WAIT A MINIUTE!!! Those 2 idiots! They are both saying the same thing!!! Both Jack's Angel and Devil are saying the SAME THING, just phrasing it differently, driving me to do it!! Bloody Idiots...

After what felt like 5 mins of internal strugger with both that idiots... I.. put... my...hand... in... and...

...there are..S$6.00...

I walked away calmly, trying to look normal and cool, I felt great infact..because..

I now have S$6.75 untill payday and I conquer the fear of shame!

I am one step closer to a practitioner of Thick Face Black Heart ~ Conquer your fears, put shame away, do not be bothered by what others think of you. Do what you must to get what you want."

I will get more chance to use Thick Face, Black Heart come December, wait and's gonna turn ugly...

Photo : The road we travel everyday...the dull dull path...
Noter : (From tomorrow onwards, I will post a month long series of Christmas related photos..stay tune..)

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Well done, Jack!