Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lost a tail...

**Caution:Not for the faint hearted.**

Here's a little history/story about a little gal, a little rabbit and it's tail.

There's this cute little gal(a little plump tho) was happily playing with her rabbit one fine day. As she was a little heavy in weight..she was chasing the rabbit all around(can you imagine this scenerio?? anyway...), she...she...

STEPPED on the cute little Rabbit's tail..and the Rabbit, got a shock of it's life, jumped away as strong and forceful as it can..and..and...

OFF came it's tail!!!!

The cute little rabbit's tail is right underneath the cute little plump gal's feet...

Obviously, the rabbit is feeling really sick and horrible with the incredible amount of pain and shock!!!

Feeling proud and like a serial killer's first kill aftermath, the little gal check on the rabbit that very evening, in it's little home...hoping that it have died due to her tail-ripping stomp earlier...

Tru enuff, after a few days..the Rabbit died.

From then on..whenever a rabbit sees that gal...they all ran away from her before she could start chasing.

That little gal is none other than Baby Tibu. Please note that from now on, her name will be changed to "Rabbit-Killer".

Note : There are bound to be lots of comments, complains, defence, excuses from Rabbit Killer after this blog entry. All I can say is, I only tell the truth. You can run away from the truth, but you can't hide my dear Rabbit Killer...

Photo : It's just me...


Anonymous said...

First of All... I did not kill the rabbit. Yes, the rabbit died eventaully, due to old age, but, definitely not from my doing.
Secondly, I did not step on the rabbit's tail on purpose. It was a purely 100% innocent accident and I have been feeling remorseful all this time, until today. And I have NOT kept a pet since then.
Honestly, back then, I really thought that the tail will grow back someday, somehow... but, it didn't.
I am so sorry... 小黑点

JackRedShoes said...

This is what i meant by excuses, defence, reasons, explanations etc etc coming from the Rabbit-Killer. Ladies & Gentleme, bear with her. She is in a state of denial.

Keevy - 小明® said... was a real rabbit that you killed? One of my ex colleagues and another colleague in my office will kill you for that...they are rabbit fanatics! Hahaha

Seriously, I didnt know the tail of the rabbit is so fragile that it can drop off so easily...thought only lizards do...

Anonymous said...

I was not killed by Baby Tibu. I was careless and I my tail dropped off. I left the world cos my time is up. Baby Tibu has been most kind to me.
I have forgave her.

Keevy - 小明® said...


BTW, the pic in this post is a TERRIFIC shot!

JackRedShoes said...

killers are liars...

We men are bad apples...but at least we dun kill innocent cute little adorable sweet Rabbits..awww...poor lil rabbit...

Thanks for the comments on the photo!