Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Just Want My Coffee

You know how it is when you buy coffee from those local coffee joints like "Ah Kun", "Killiney", "Wang Jiao" etc...

You basically walk in, queue up, order your Singaporean coffee, pay, move to another line and wait for your coffee.

I walked into Killiney(my favorite among all the local chains) at Golden Shoe Complex. New store with large seating area and very clean looking. As usual, I hit the order counter...but the young gal there ushered me into the restaurant, seated me and gave me a menu with a order form(those kind that you fill in yourself).

I was lost...

I dunno how to go about ordering..in the menu, i see all sorts of food and all sorts of coffee, like Latte, Mocha etc etc... I just want my S$1.20 Kopi...

I fumbled for awhile and wrote on the big piece of order form Item Number "002". I gave it to the gal, trying not to look cheap...but I.Really.Just.Want.My-S$1.20 Kopi!!

The kopi came... I drank and recce the entire restaurant..Killiney is moving towards Coffee Connection(are they still known by this name??) direction... they are trying, that I give it to them...

But I still prefer my S$1.20 Kiliney Coffe!!! Some things are better when they dun change...

Photo : Mt Fuji. Too much foreground, more sky with the clouds would be better,the mountain is too central in the frame and slanted..."I would not have taken it like that now"

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Absolutely! Somethings are better left unchanged!