Friday, November 03, 2006

Free your mind, and the rest will follow

Education. Educational System.

Something is seriously not right with our Educational System.

Not only did the locals notice it, many foreigners noticed it as well. Noticed from how the adult generation of locals behave and talk and present themselves, which in turn trace back to their roots.

In school, the teacher/lectures says what, we do what. They say xxx is correct, we believe and follow them that xxx is correct. No questions asked. No opinions form. Just follow. Teachers lied, and punish the students for making rubbish comments, admitting to things that they did not do. You "just" have to admit it. You are always wrong.

We were not encouraged "creative" ways of learning, which allows us a "free" and "open" mind. Whatever creative juices were in us that was never tapped, will never be tapped, cos the door was never open for that in the first place. We follow formulas, standards, rules, instead. No play. Play is bad. School text are good. "You dun study, you are dead." We are forbidden to think too much, cos anything that looks and sound absurb to the teachers or parents, IS ABSURB. No questions about it!

All these creativity, trapped the mind of a person. Especially when you are young. When you are at your most imaginative, you are not allowed to used them, to think freely. You are bounded and restricted by what is a yes and no. Dun think of too imaginary things. It will never happen.

The above are the problems!! No creative learning, no encouragment. Only rules and laws. that why we are always trying to think out of the box. How many times have you heard "think out of the box" for the past month during brainstorming??? Alot, i am sure. Cos we are bounded. I would prefer to "think from outside of the box to inside" rather than "Think Out of the box".

For example : After a presentation in a particular meeting, the presenter would ask the floor, "Question? Anyone?". Silence. No reaction. No questions. No comments. No challenges. Everyone understands and agreeds. Why? Cos nobody "thinks" with their mind. They just follow and agreeds with what was being presented. This example is extremely true in Singapore. Next time you enter into a meeting, take notice and see what happens.

Why are most of the world more creative than us?(Japanese, Americans, HongKongers etc etc). It's sad.

If you have your own child, encourage them. Dun be bounded by the "Singapore Rules" standard. Free their mind. Even in the most absurb and ridiculous way. Often, ridiculous dreams are the ones that came true in the end. Men to space? talk to your friend from the other side of the world? A little box that controls and rule the world? All these are ridiculous dreams I am sure. And whoever suggested it would probably have been the laughing stock from alot of people. But see where are we now??

Change! Free your mind! As Nike says, "Just do it".

Photo : speed of a bullet...


Keevy - 小明® said...

Like this statement: I would prefer to "think from outside of the box to inside" rather than "Think Out of the box".

JackRedShoes said...

Basically, think wild. go wild with your ideas. then cut back into your restriction and bondaries.
It worked better than trying to think out of your bondaries. Cos it already restricts you, before you even begin thinking.

think about it.