Thursday, November 30, 2006

Submerged ~ Thomas Wentworth Higginson

I will be Submerged from today.

Should Emerge again on the 5 Dec...

I shall post the next few days Xmas photos in advance to keep whoever are free enought to read/view my rubbish blog entertained, untill my emergence day.

For me it's gonna be a photography exile..and to enjoy some fresh air(I hope!)

Time to run away from all the crap and nonsense that have been surrounding me recently...good timing...

Good the good news last night. Now, I can add in "2007" on to my little Green Ball on my desk...It will now read.."2005", "2006" and "2007". Excellent news!!

Gonna catch up with the bouncing boobs volleyball, Marcus Fenix and Vaan before hitting off...

Photo : Blurry and romantic lights of joy...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cool Dudes of Friday...

Had dinner with a former colleague last night...

She have always been a "boy" to me, and yes, a boy that I doted on very much!! :)

Before we met last evening, she told me that "People say I am much more pretty now." I nearly spilled my cuppa when i heard that.

Well, we met last night, and indeed...she is..err...Prettier...sweeter...err..still as boyish... Bwahahahaahahahahah!

Yes yes yes, still as sweeeeeet and adorable as before! Still full of live and energy!! Always a joy to have around! And we all missed you around here!

We had lotsa fun conversation last night...and made some amazing discoveries...depressing at the same time... hahahaha!! We had a really really good laugh!

Was listening to Aerosmith thru my ipod on the way to work today, good old memories of those classic songs comes flooding back. One of my particular favorite from Aerosmith is "Dude (Looks like a lady)". Amazing guitar and flow of the music, to think that song is from 1987 and still gives so much wonder in the new century!

"Dude Looks like a lady!! Ta Da Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta..." Amazing stuffs.

Oh, by the way, I love to leave hidden, between the line, messages within my blog entries...see if you can guess what I have hidden here...

I am sure some of you will be able to understand it totally. For those who can't, dun try asking me. I will never breathe a word. My message is fully hidden and a secret.

Photo : "Look at the sky, the Stars will shine for you..."

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Are We?

"Men are all Idiots. What's wrong with all these men??"

The above sentence have been going around me for the past 2 weeks. Floating pass me. The owner of this sentence is none other than some members of Team Alcohol...

Well...I can only guess what arouse that quote. And most fo the time, it involves a man, a woman and some really complicated relationship or feelings of sort.

Well, i kinda agreed that men are idiots.(Partly I have to cos I am in a enviroment of 11 ladies vs 1 man~me). Being the only man here, i get to see many things other men dun(jealous aren't you? :) ). Get to understand many things other men dun. I get to go into their world and see from their view. I have to let go of my male thinking to blend in. So I am officially a sister to them... Dun get me wrong, these ladies here are lovely bunch!

See, the whole complicated thing between men and women is about their most nature form. "What is inside their head." See below what are in the individual species mind...

WOMEN - Thinks too much, too complicated, too emtional, wants commitment, hurts easily, too sensitive, wants attention every other minute, fickle minded.

MEN - Dun think, Football, Sex, Booze, Sex, Sleep, Sex, Fart, Sex, work, sex.

Now you see the difference.

So, I have to agreed that more or less that men are idiots. Idiots that are straight forward and simple. Than again, women, please dun think too much.

Still, I love you all!!!! Of cos not forgetting Usagi Killer!

Photo : X'mas with a touch of purple...

Monday, November 27, 2006

You Dun Belong Here

Some people just dun belong.

Often alot of mistakes are made to get someone to where they are. And those mistakes can be costly.

From where I am, if you are not a lady or a gentleman, you dun belong here.

Not at all. .

Ladies and Gentlemen here treat people with respect and integrity, trust and honesty, genuine care and concern. However, there have to be some idiot that does none of that. And she dare to step foot in, trying to "change" and "improve" things. Given the benefit of the doubt, but nothing have changed and improve after so so long. It got worst.

Can't you tell nobody like you here? Except for those that suck and lick your arse to get what they want. Unfortunately, nobody else respects what you do and your role.

It's time you leave. Go back to where you belong. You dun belong in this category. You are not a lady and a gentleman. Give you another 20 years(if you can live that long), you will still not understand and embrace who and what we are. You are after all, barbarian and caveman at heart. Go home. You are not welcome here.

Fake arse.

Photo : Angel that dun belong to the "beauty of X'mas"...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pret A Manger ~ Passionate About Food

It's Here.

The extremely popular sandwich joint Pre A Manger (Pret uh mon zhay) opens it's door last week here in Singapore.

Located at Robinson Road, ideally. Targeted at the office crowd. Hooray!!

I have been raving about Pre A Manger since I get to taste it(almost everyday) in Hong Kong earlier this year. Pret A Manger was my first choice source of lunch venue for a week in Hong Kong. They served freshly made(daily) sandwiches, wraps, baguettes, soups and salads. None of the items are left over night, all made daily and the remaining will be given to charity at the end of biz day. Some of the more perishable ones actually have a time line(within the day limit). Once, they refused to sell me a particular wrap, cos it had past their "fresh" timing, althought it's within the day. I was pretty upset, cos i dun get to eat my wrap. Then again, I am very appreciative of their way of doing Food & beverage biz. Excellent!

All their food are place in a long huge row of freezer, you walk over, take what you want, go grab a cuppa, sit down and enjoy. The lunch crowd is huge and the line is usually long. But the food are excellent, especially if you are the sandwich people. the wrap is my personal favorite.

I have not been to the one in Singapore yet, but I am sure the standard will be as good. Pret A Manger is a UK chain and have stores in UK, NY and Hong Kong. The Hong Kong store opened in 2002, after 4 years, finally Singapore have it's first. Franchise by O.B. International.

Good thing that it is located in the biz district, so there will not be so many kiasu Singaporeans go jam up the store, just cause it's new and a first. Let the office lunch crowd enjoy their lunch in peace, please. I can foresee my lunch for the next 2-3 weeks will be from Pret A Manger...

Photo : Top ~ X'Mas Lights...
Middle ~ Pret A Manger in Hong Kong Island
Bottom ~ Cuppa at Pret A Manger

Saturday, November 25, 2006

It Starts Here

Tomorrow is 25 Nov 2006.

Exactly 30 days before Christmas.

1 whole month.

From this day, I will be posting a series of Christmas related photo each day, untill Christmas day itself, to build up for the Christmas mood. And depending on my mood, I might carry on posting these Christmas theme photos for the immediate 12 days after Christmas.

I always look forward to Christmas. It's my favorite holiday of all. Beating even the Lunar New Year. Christmas is a time where romance, dreams, joys and happiness fills the air. It's also the time to take a short breather and break from a whole year's worth of work and stress to think about next year. Nothing else matters during Christmas... I am really looking forward to it...If only it snows here...

Let's get on with the mood and be joyous everybody!

Photo : It's tough taking this photo, have to be careful of the disrasreful background and the unnecessary background lights...

Friday, November 24, 2006

No Shame

I am in my suit, looking charming and suave.

Standing infront of a rubbish bin, smoking my cigi with dashing style. Waiting for the enjoyment to end and put the butt away into the bin.

While day-dreaming away, something colourful caught my eyes...the content inside the bin...

There are lotsa rubbish in the bin..and something distintively different lead my eyes in there...

A S$2.00 bill was inside a thrown away plastic bag inside the rubbish bin...!!(I began to recalled I am only left with 75cents untill payday.)

Standing there..looking cool and full of charm..having a internal strugger..should I stretch my hands in and take out the plastic bag to retrieve the S$2...or just walk away knowing there is money there....?

There are lotsa people around me...

There are money in the bin...

Jack's Angel : "Come on, you are a fine gentlemen, no worries about it. You still look cool."

Jack's Devil : "Hey, JackAss, dun be a fool, it's money, take it!"

Jack's Angel : "Well, you can put the money to good use."

Jack's Devil : "If you dun take it, you will regret it!!"

WAIT A MINIUTE!!! Those 2 idiots! They are both saying the same thing!!! Both Jack's Angel and Devil are saying the SAME THING, just phrasing it differently, driving me to do it!! Bloody Idiots...

After what felt like 5 mins of internal strugger with both that idiots... I.. put... my...hand... in... and...

...there are..S$6.00...

I walked away calmly, trying to look normal and cool, I felt great infact..because..

I now have S$6.75 untill payday and I conquer the fear of shame!

I am one step closer to a practitioner of Thick Face Black Heart ~ Conquer your fears, put shame away, do not be bothered by what others think of you. Do what you must to get what you want."

I will get more chance to use Thick Face, Black Heart come December, wait and's gonna turn ugly...

Photo : The road we travel everyday...the dull dull path...
Noter : (From tomorrow onwards, I will post a month long series of Christmas related photos..stay tune..)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

What The FUCK

It is very sad to know that people don't T.H.I.N.K anymore.

Most people don't THINK before they open their mouth to start commenting and making assumptions.

Worst still if they don't listen to what was being conversed and just jump in and start yelling and commenting.

Brain was given to us for a reason. To THINK, analyse, draw your own perspective and conclusion, then output thru your mouth. Not the other way round.

Also, sad but very true, alot of people are not good in what they do, yet they are taking the better things in life, be it work or personal. Than again, God is fair(at least I would like to think), when you are blessed with a good career, your family life usually sucks and vice versa.(like quarrel everyday la, their children who are junkies la, hated by classmates la, obese in size la, husband actually is gay la, wife is a whore la, husband or wife spends most of their time working overseas la etc etc). When you have good family lfe, your career is a mess(10 years same position la, nobody cares about you at work la, always got the worst from your bosses la etc etc).

If someone have both bad career and family life, they should just go commit suicide.

(Well, as you can see, I am in a fucking bitchy mode today. That is being conservative. In fact, I am in a FUCKING FUCKING FOUL & BITCHY MOOD today. Don't fuck around.)

Photo : The beauty of nature and man's architecture of destruction...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Time In The Dragon's Liar

This will be a little different from the rest of Jack's previous post.

This is the first time that Jack will show you the people surrounding him, the people that he cheris and love and have lotsa fun with everyday.

This will be the first time that the photos comes after the message.

This will be the first time that Jack post photos that are not taken by him.

This is the first time Jack will unveil Team Alcohol's true faces.(haha!)

Here goes...Remember we went dragon boat racing last week? Well, here we are!

Above Photo : Let's introduce Team Alcohol...
Back row 1st from the left - Jack
Middle row 1st from the left - Priness Mellie, 3rd Miffy, 4th Namaste,
7th Gachapin

Above Photo : Before boarding the boat..(try to spot Team Alcohol
members...Jack, Namaste, Miffy and Gachapin are in there somewhere)

Above Photo : Practising and anticipating before the race...

Above Photo : Looks of the Champions!!!

Obviously we had lotsa fun and joy that day!! The team with the most
Team Alcohol members won the moral of the story is, Alcohol makes you strong!!!

Bread & Butter

It's damn yummy!!!

The whole loaf of bread, they spread butter and kaya...very unlike the Killiney style. This one is fabulous! The thin yet chewy skin, sink thru that and you will taste the kaya/butter combination on the soft bed..wah lan!!

It's at Bugis Junction, the outdoor shopping area. Make your way into the crowded area, go right to the middle, when you see a extremely long queue, that's the one. You MUST buy by the loaf, not seperate will finish one loaf at one go. Trust me.

There are just so many bakeries to choose from now. Bread top, Four Leaves, Swee Heng, and many others. All of them have their own distintive innovative breads and style, chasing after the 4 million population in Singapore.

My personal favorites are(in ranking) :

1-Sun Moulin(located at Scotts Isetan-every single thing that came out of this is heavenly)

2-Four Leaves(all over Singapore-their caterpillar is the best!)

3-Crystal Jade Bakery(Taro bread is god sent!!!)

4-Swee Heng(all over Singapore-very local and childhood style, love it!!)

Oh, I love the Fruits & Nuts Bread from Gardenia too. Absolutely wonderful!! Spread it with Planta butter and you are in heaven....

Photo : Heaven...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I forgot to bring out my handkerchief one day and I felt totally uneasy and like a big part of me is mssing...

You see, I have been using handkerchief for the longest years and it have became a vital everyday object that must have. Just like a mobile. I am sure most people will go back home to take their mobile if they forget or would felt totally uneasy without it.

Certain things have become such a integral part of our life that most of the time, we take it for granted and does not know the importance untill it is missing. Hanky, belt, mobile, watches etc etc...not only to the material objects, but also to those around you. Cheris them!!

Photo : See! A missing cat name Whiskey!! Now the owners know how important it is. Maybe it got so drunk with whiskey during one night out partying and got lost...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

One People, One Nation, One Obsession

What defines a Singaporean dish?

Personally, I think we don't really have a particular identity for a "Singaporean Dish". Cos it can be so many and very subjective for fellow Kia-Su-Poreans.

One's gonna say, "Katong Laksa. no arguments about it."

Another's gonna say, "Loh Mee!". "Chili Crab!"!

Let's put it this way, if you were to go live in North Pole for 12 months, what would be THE dish that you want desperately to taste? Well, THAT, would be your very own Kia-Su-Porean dish.

For me, it will have to be Satay(must be Malay made. Chinese Satay sucks big time), Grilled Stingray with Sambal Chili, and Sambal Kang Kong!!!! If you notice...spice is a big thing here... I really cannot understand the national obsession of "Chili with every dish"....But, the problem is, I can't do without Chili!!!!!!!!

I am sure you will have your own opinion and comments on your favorite local dish. But no matter what it is, I think that we have "The Best Food In The World!!". Just walked into a food market and you are in heavan.

Oh! Talking about OBSESSION...Kia-Su-Poreans are obsesssed with all thing that starts with..."The Most...", "The Biggest...", "The Best...", The Largest...", "The Cheapest...."etc etc...seriously. Trust me, if I were to start my own business and call it...JackRedStaurant..and sell, "Singapore's Biggest Burger, Singapore's Lagest Fries at Singapore's Cheapest Price", I will be a Billionaire in 2 days. (But then again, I will start opening up another 20 JackRedStaurant over the island, trying to earn more and then crashed out of business and being labeled a "Bubble Trade"...Haha! Stupid.)

For me, I am happy with my humble Stingray and Kangkong. No need to be "The Best..." As long as the Sambal Chili don't go wrong!

Photo : What can I say.. I am hungry again...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dragon Ate The Banana

A Dragon is waiting for us this afternoon.

Not suppose to know yet, suppose to be a surprise...

Slippers, sneakers, sunglasses, extra T-Shirt, cap, shorts...everything is pointing towards one thing...

Dragon Boat Racing.


No matter what, it's gonna be fun! just pray and hope that it dun rain later...

Now...a Talking Banana is roaming around...having permanent verbal diahrreoa...damm bloody irritating...

Photo : Street performance one eveneing at the streets of Shinjuku. What on earth are the big heads doing in the photo!!! The performer is a good looking mix-blood fellow. Speaks fluent Japanese, can tell the ladies love him!

In! out! In! out!

Went Dragon Boat Racing.

It was fun! My first time, ya, sad to say.

Of cos, within expectation, the gals were all feeling nervous and worried.

We were splited into 2 teams, got on the boat and started practising. we spent about 2 hours in the boat.(The sole of my 6 years old Nike Shox dropped off while in the boat. Well, that's shows it age and also a good excuse to buy a new pair! Yeah!!)

Soon, the practise turned into a water fight! Of cos, the gals are dying to get off the boat and the 3 guys(me inclusive) can't wait to get the water fight and race into gear.

Knowing how competitive OG is, he of cos MUST win. He instructed his team before even they got into the water. More like training. Obviously he have done it before, seeing how familiar he is. Of cos the gals are dying for the session to end..hahaha Such fun and joy!

Unfortunately, our team won the race...

Everyone's body is aching and tired. The gals are complaining that they will be falling apart soon...hahhahahahaahah! It was a fun day!

We hit off for seafood dinner after that, and of cos, TEAM ALCOHOL had to have the ALCOHOL! And true enough, only TEAM ALCOHOL drank the wine and beer during dinner..(with the exception of the ever-beer-drinking-Japanese-Maki joining us in the areana).

We should do these again!!!

Photo : Shogun. Well, this aint too bad...haha! This ends the i-should-have-taken-it-this-way-Japan-Photo week. Wait for the CHristmas threat!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


School shoes.

When you were in school(primary or secondary), what was the colour of your shoes. White? I am sure most of us(now age between 25 and above)would have been wearing white school shoes. Guess most of the time, it goes with the school uniform colour that your school decides. And it largely depends on which extremely poor-taste fellow designs and decides on the overall colour theme.

I noticed these days, school shoes tends to appear in black colour. Total black. No lining or anything at all. And the matching uniform will either be Dark Brown, Black or dull red...

It is absolutely disgusting and ugly. I will have absolutely no pride and joy in donning that uniform. NO WAY!

Black shoes??? To school???? Whatever happen to pure white??? Where every boys and girls looks so clean, neat and proper!! Now Black???!!!

I think we have been exposed to extreme poor taste since young and thus lead to the lack of appreciation of beautiful and finer things in life. The next generation will get worst.

I just cannot take it whenever I see black coloured school shoes! Maybe we should engage the designers from "Project Runway" to help with the uniforms! Where everyone will feel proud and cool of their school uniform!

Yes. I know. I have very strong opinion. And once I made up my mind and opinion, I hardly change. Hardly. Black School shoes are a total disgrace. Absolute.

Red Shoes? Anyone??

Photo : Matsumoto Kiyoshi. UsagiKiller's favorite chain of shops(read cosmetics and women products) in Japan. Will never miss stepping into one whenever she come across them. And the thing is, you see Matsumoto Kiyoshi EVERYWHERE in Japan...
The foeground again is badly cut out and the exposure, tone of the photo is disastrous."I would not have taken this photo this way now..."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

An Apple A Day Keeps The Hackers Away

It’s coming. It’s brand new. It’s fantastic. It’s innovative.

It’s the Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows Vista.


Well, I read a article about this new and awesome operating system….

1) Vista is gonna have a new feature call “Gagets”. That’s gonna display valuable information on your screen like stick-it notes. It shoes you the weather, news etc etc.

Macintosh users have been using that, called Widgets, since late last year.

2) Vista is gonna have a much improved search tool that lets you look up from photos to documents to songs to anything and everything that is in your PC. Just type in the first 3 letters and you will start narrowing down your search. You will find ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! How amazing is that!

Macintosh users have been using that for YEARS. And a much faster version have been updated since late last year, called spotlight.

3) Vista is hyped by users that it is much more stylish, cooler and nicer than the Mac operating system. WOW!

Obviously those users have never use a Mac before. Why in the first place do the PC users have to even compare their interfaces to Mac’s? Red-Eyed over the cool system that us Mac users are using, perhaps…

Vista’s key feature will be SECURITY. “Vista users do not log in as administrators, exposing their machines to hackers online. Instead, they log in as individual users with limited access to sensitive system files, and in this way, limiting the damage that a virus can cause.”

Macintosh users..”Har?? Virus?? What’s that??? And what on earth are you trying to say above…”(Macs are totally virus proof and viruses are the last thing on the user’s mind)

Conclusion : It’s a Joke. The whole Vista looks and sounds every bit like a Mac OSX System RIP-OFF, with the exception that it will get virus and crash.

Talk about innovation.

Mac..please stop laughing. Be nice to PC…

(go to to see a series of hilarious “Mac Vs PC” ads. Very funny)

Photo : THE Apple Store in Ginza, Tokyo. What on earth is the lampost doing on the left? The building is only like half and the perspective is all haywired...Sigh! "I would not have taken it this way now"...

Scent of a Book...

I have a weird habit.

No. I have MANY weird habits.

One of those is..I love to smell a book...

Yes. I would always flip open the pages of a book(any book) and put my nose real close(touching most of the time) to the paper and sniff/smell it.

It smells nice.

New books have their "New" smell...

Old books have their own distinctive smell...

Yes, i sniffed through every book that I owned...and UsagiKiller is still trying to accept this habit of mine. It just seems strange and abnormal to her...
It is absolutely second nature to me.

There is only one other person I know that does the same thing as me...UsagiKiller's niece. She is about 9 years old and does exactly the same thing.

Come on! I am sure many many people does that!!!

The only conclusion UsagiKiller could come out with is, both of us LOVE our books too much.


Photo : The best Ramen I have tried in Japan. Period. This particular outlet is the one in Shibuya. Yummy!!!! About this photo...Where is the foreground??? What is that woman doing by the doorway??Too much of the ceiling in the photo!! Sigh! I would not have taken it this way now...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Just Want My Coffee

You know how it is when you buy coffee from those local coffee joints like "Ah Kun", "Killiney", "Wang Jiao" etc...

You basically walk in, queue up, order your Singaporean coffee, pay, move to another line and wait for your coffee.

I walked into Killiney(my favorite among all the local chains) at Golden Shoe Complex. New store with large seating area and very clean looking. As usual, I hit the order counter...but the young gal there ushered me into the restaurant, seated me and gave me a menu with a order form(those kind that you fill in yourself).

I was lost...

I dunno how to go about the menu, i see all sorts of food and all sorts of coffee, like Latte, Mocha etc etc... I just want my S$1.20 Kopi...

I fumbled for awhile and wrote on the big piece of order form Item Number "002". I gave it to the gal, trying not to look cheap...but I.Really.Just.Want.My-S$1.20 Kopi!!

The kopi came... I drank and recce the entire restaurant..Killiney is moving towards Coffee Connection(are they still known by this name??) direction... they are trying, that I give it to them...

But I still prefer my S$1.20 Kiliney Coffe!!! Some things are better when they dun change...

Photo : Mt Fuji. Too much foreground, more sky with the clouds would be better,the mountain is too central in the frame and slanted..."I would not have taken it like that now"

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yodabashi Camera

The rain spoiled my weekend.

Wanted to hit the streets at night with the camera and tripod for the Christmas lightings, and it had to rain! Argh! So everything is put on hold. Hope it dun rain this weekend, If not I may be late for the "Christmas Photo" Project...

With free time over the weekend now thanks to the rain, I ran thru some of the old photos that I took some years back, and that set me thinking. My shooting and perspective of a subject have changed drastically.

"I would not have taken this photo from this view, or this way or this part etc etc" came thru my head as I was running thru them. I will post some of those "Past Photos" this whole's gonna be interesting...

Today's photo is the Yodabashi-Camera store in Shinjuku. It was one of the hot venue for the PS3 official launch last Saturday(11 Nov 2006) in Japan. People get in line from 6pm on Friday evening in anticipation of the system!

See the photo..there's no foreground, the whole building was cut off at the left, what on earth is the green tree doing on the right?, the bald spect man is looking at my lens! Argh! I would not have taken the shot this way now...

Photo : Yodabashi Camera in Shinjuku

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bloody Road Curb

American History X.

Not sure if anyone have watched this movie.

If you did, you would probably remember a particular scene that will stay in your head for the rest of your life.

Recently, something reminded me of that scene in the movie.

The scene was where Edward Norton, beat up a guy outside his apartment, then he pushed that guy whose jaw is wide open, against a road curb. Imagine, you open your mouth wide and place it against the curb by the side of the road. Edward Norton then, smashed that guy from behind his head, making his jaw and teeth all cracked against the curb.

This scene is absolutely violent and stays in your head forever. But it was a GREAT movie, telling a gripping and beautiful tale about Nazi's and history's effect on current world. Nothing came close(with the exception of Shawshank Redemption).

Edward Furlong and Edward Norton did a perfect performance in that movie. Go grab hold a copy of the DVD and enjoy.

Dun ask me what reminded me of the "Road Curb" bashing, you will not wanna know.

Photo : My mac desk at home(love the cool blue tone again!)...(and please dun ask me about the furry pink pen-holder)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Virgin untill you did it

Everyone have a first time for everything.

First time tieing your own shoe lace, First time completed reading a novel, First time you score "A" for a subject in school, First time you watch a movie, First time you ride on a bus, First time you took a plane, First time you swam etc.

There are always a first time to everything that we do, and sometimes, there's the one and only time in life. So I always believe, Just do whatever you wanna do. Dun live to regret it later in life that you did not do whatever.

I remember the very first time I went to a cinema to watch a movie was in 1982, 6 years old then. And the movie was Rambo : First Blood. yup, I dun know half the time what they were showing, but I remember wandering around the cinema, looking at the people and playing...that's as far back as my memory can go.

The first song i "thought" i like was "Stairways to Heavan". That was i think in the year 1985. I remember very clearly that my next door neighbour was blasting this song so loud everyday. And i could not get the tune off my head after prolong listening to it. Later I got to know that was Stairway to Heavan. The tune was always there in my head, and never did leave.

The first time i discover gals was 5 years old i first year in kindergarden play school. Hmm..i started young! hahah!

Anyway, think back there are andless "first time" for everyone and it's fun thinking back...

Photo : UsagiKiller's first victim.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Nothing good happened so far...

The bus journey home last night was horrendous. Right in the middle of the bus, there is this LOUD "BEEEEEEE!!!!!" sound that goes non-stop. And I mean real loud. You have to scream when you talk that kinda loud. Then 1 german woman came sit next to me and started shouting to her friend who is sitting next to her.(no, they are not arguing, normal convesation, mind you...), then another 2 woman come sit behind me and started the same kinda conversation, shouting and non-stop.

Ipod on.

Then upon reaching the LRT, a FAT man blocked the way into the train, cos he is running sooooooooo slowly, and I got jammed behind him. The worst thing is, he got onto the train, and I was made to wait for another 5 minutes. All because he is fat and slow and block my fucking way.

Cursed him.

After reaching home, spent 45mins in Ivalive with Vaan and gang. 45mins, 2 levels increased, then...the whole party got wiped out! Nothing was saved! The 45mins of effort all gone.

Cursed self and got off Ivalice.

This morning, put on the earphones of the ipod, then started scrolling for songs, during the silence of choosing a song...I heard faint radio broadcast emerging from the silence background of the earphones! There are no transmitter embedded in my ipod!! Arghed!!! This is weird...very weird...

Prayed to god.

How many weird happening can one endure for 24hours????? sigh.

Photo : Love the faint blue effect and the partial red background with the yellow flower. It's all about Colours!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Kupo Kupo

Felt a little edgy and frustrated this morning.

Anything and everything seems to put me off. Heart rates goes up to above 180 kinda feeling. Dunno what's wrong..maybe PMS... hmmm...

It does not help with irritation flying all over. Arghed!!

And it have to rain near noon! This worsen the PMS.

Still, nothing will put me off from going off this evening to see Penelo, Vann in Ivalice. Kupo! 9 hours spent in Ivalice and all seems well and amazing... another 40 more hours I hope, and the adventure should end...Kupo...

Photo : This is the kinda stuff that irks me when I was young. Simply hate it! But grew out of the fear as I got older. Now only afraid of UsagiKiller

Sunday, November 05, 2006

We adore

Without fail, we always have our monthly and weekly Japanese reading material purchases from Kinokuniya.

In the photo, you will see Cam-Can, UsagiKiller's favorite monthly must buy mag. And it grew to be my favorite as well...bcos of Yu Yamada..right cover girl. She is simply amazing and gorgeous!!! Now she is into singing and starting to have more roles in TV serials and movie. Her latest movie to air soon is Akihabara@Deep...she potrays a tech-geek-rock style gal in the movie*Gasp!!!* Not forgetting the left cover gal, Ebi-chan. Crowd favorite. She is big in Japan as well, appearing in MacDonalds ads and promoting the Ebi-Burger(appropriately). Currently watching one of her serial. ~~And Keevy, once they decide to go porn, I will let you know~~

The snacks you see below, well, what can I say. Who are we to resist??? Simply adore their snacks and marketing style. that explains my ever increasing weight...

Apparently, we are born in the wrong country...

Photo : See above blog..(duh!)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stress Relief

Week of 17 Nov's Famitsu Weekly comes with a 360 demo for Lost Odyssey.

Lost Odyssey is the second of two epic RPG projects for Microsoft by Mistwalker, the studio founded by Square-Enix's, Final Fantasy Creator(grandfather) Hironobu Sakaguchi. His initial move away from Square-Enix to set up his own company, Mistwalker and create exclusively for Xbox360, send shock waves thru Japan's gaming industry. Headlines all over Japanese newspapers and magazines.

His first epic Blue Dragon hits store this Dec...a long wait, Finally! Lost Odyssey comes 2007. Looking at the screen shots and live demo of both work, it is really way above the images of FFXII. Technology really is moving so fast that if we dun change and adapt, we will fall behind instantly.

Besides the interesting Demo, This week's Famitsu also covers the first ever reviews of PS3's launch games, and also advertisments of PS3 and Wii softwares. It's already here. Finally. System and Game. After 6 years. Take a close look, Ridge Racer gets 9s from all of the 4 reviewers. If you know Japan well, Famitsu's reviews are the strictest and gives no shit about giving comments. Apparently, the RR7's review reads "very very satisfied" from the reviewers. Well done.

Gonna go enjoy the Lost Odyssey demo now, then go see Vaan in Ivalice(probably my last purchase to grace my 6 years old PS2).

Photo : Top - Cover is the actress of Death Note, Erika Toda. DVD Demo.
Middle - PS3 reviews on the odd(right hand) page
Bottom - PS3 reviews on the even(left hand) page

Friday, November 03, 2006

Free your mind, and the rest will follow

Education. Educational System.

Something is seriously not right with our Educational System.

Not only did the locals notice it, many foreigners noticed it as well. Noticed from how the adult generation of locals behave and talk and present themselves, which in turn trace back to their roots.

In school, the teacher/lectures says what, we do what. They say xxx is correct, we believe and follow them that xxx is correct. No questions asked. No opinions form. Just follow. Teachers lied, and punish the students for making rubbish comments, admitting to things that they did not do. You "just" have to admit it. You are always wrong.

We were not encouraged "creative" ways of learning, which allows us a "free" and "open" mind. Whatever creative juices were in us that was never tapped, will never be tapped, cos the door was never open for that in the first place. We follow formulas, standards, rules, instead. No play. Play is bad. School text are good. "You dun study, you are dead." We are forbidden to think too much, cos anything that looks and sound absurb to the teachers or parents, IS ABSURB. No questions about it!

All these creativity, trapped the mind of a person. Especially when you are young. When you are at your most imaginative, you are not allowed to used them, to think freely. You are bounded and restricted by what is a yes and no. Dun think of too imaginary things. It will never happen.

The above are the problems!! No creative learning, no encouragment. Only rules and laws. that why we are always trying to think out of the box. How many times have you heard "think out of the box" for the past month during brainstorming??? Alot, i am sure. Cos we are bounded. I would prefer to "think from outside of the box to inside" rather than "Think Out of the box".

For example : After a presentation in a particular meeting, the presenter would ask the floor, "Question? Anyone?". Silence. No reaction. No questions. No comments. No challenges. Everyone understands and agreeds. Why? Cos nobody "thinks" with their mind. They just follow and agreeds with what was being presented. This example is extremely true in Singapore. Next time you enter into a meeting, take notice and see what happens.

Why are most of the world more creative than us?(Japanese, Americans, HongKongers etc etc). It's sad.

If you have your own child, encourage them. Dun be bounded by the "Singapore Rules" standard. Free their mind. Even in the most absurb and ridiculous way. Often, ridiculous dreams are the ones that came true in the end. Men to space? talk to your friend from the other side of the world? A little box that controls and rule the world? All these are ridiculous dreams I am sure. And whoever suggested it would probably have been the laughing stock from alot of people. But see where are we now??

Change! Free your mind! As Nike says, "Just do it".

Photo : speed of a bullet...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lost a tail...

**Caution:Not for the faint hearted.**

Here's a little history/story about a little gal, a little rabbit and it's tail.

There's this cute little gal(a little plump tho) was happily playing with her rabbit one fine day. As she was a little heavy in weight..she was chasing the rabbit all around(can you imagine this scenerio?? anyway...), she...she...

STEPPED on the cute little Rabbit's tail..and the Rabbit, got a shock of it's life, jumped away as strong and forceful as it can..and..and...

OFF came it's tail!!!!

The cute little rabbit's tail is right underneath the cute little plump gal's feet...

Obviously, the rabbit is feeling really sick and horrible with the incredible amount of pain and shock!!!

Feeling proud and like a serial killer's first kill aftermath, the little gal check on the rabbit that very evening, in it's little home...hoping that it have died due to her tail-ripping stomp earlier...

Tru enuff, after a few days..the Rabbit died.

From then on..whenever a rabbit sees that gal...they all ran away from her before she could start chasing.

That little gal is none other than Baby Tibu. Please note that from now on, her name will be changed to "Rabbit-Killer".

Note : There are bound to be lots of comments, complains, defence, excuses from Rabbit Killer after this blog entry. All I can say is, I only tell the truth. You can run away from the truth, but you can't hide my dear Rabbit Killer...

Photo : It's just me...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Last 16

This morning was the 3rd time.

The 3rd time that Crouch & Kuyt played together from the starting lineup.

The first time was against Galatasaray, Reds won 3-2.
The second time was against Aston Villa, Reds won 3-1.
The third time was against Bordeaux this morning. Reds won 3-0.

This combination have reap 9 goals in 3 games. No matter even when neither of them scored. It's the kinda options that they offer for the midfield. 1 quick and strong. 1 tall and dangerous with the head. This looks like the right combination. Benitez sprung a surprise, a unchange side from last Saturday. Haha!

The clogs starts to click and the engines starts and workd perfectly. Let's hope the boss can field this pair as his number 1 option as the forward.

Thru to the last 16 of Eurpoe, hope that they can once again rule Europe this year. To be crown the 6th time Champions of Europe. If it's anybody that can achive this from England, It will be Liverpool. Man u? Far from it. Chelsea? Forget it! Arsenal? Huh? What Arsenal??

Photo : The sky clears again and the better will come...


I took out my "Bible" and started reading it again.

Baby Tibu said "What?! you are reading "Thick Face, Black Heart" again?? I thought you have finished it years back and is already a practitioner of Thick Face, Black Heart??"

"Have you seen the followers of Bible stop reading the Bible after they complete it??" I asked.

"Oh ya, true.."

To be a true and master practitioner of Thick Face, Black Heart, I have to constantly remind myself of it's philosophy and it's teaching. And practice it whenever possible. I am hardly a good practitioner as yet, If I am, I would have been far better off with my career right now.

~~~"If a fox is unable to befriend a tiger, then the fox should create an illusion of close association with the tiger by carefully trailing behind it while boasting of the deep friendship they share. In this way, he creates an impression that his well being is of great concern to the tiger."~~~Abstract from Thick Face, Black Heart

Photo : Birdie Birdie Birdie..