Monday, May 21, 2007

Think Thought Thoughts

I have been saying this for the past 2 weeks.

"People dun bother to think with their brains, before opening their mouths."

Think. Just Think abit more, before making statements and also saying stupid things that dun make sense. Seems like most of the time, words come out before going thru their brains.

You may think that it's correct and nothing wrong with what you say. You may even think that is smart of you. But think a little more, you will find that it's totally stupid and shows a lot about you and your judgement.

Sigh. I would have kept quiet if It's me. Work on the negatives and make it straight. Take the challenges face on, conquer it, not start making stupid statements and even excuses.

The whole think does not impact me, but I just find it unbelievable. I am actually having a good laugh and pity that dumb soul...

Photo : Have a cigi, a cuppa and think thru before opening your gap...

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

It is even more puzzling when these people had much education!