Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kitty Kitty Kitty

After so so long, I finally discard my old slippers 2 weeks back and bought a new pair.

The friction are all worn off for the old pair, so I bought this dull looking yet good friction pair 14 days back. And I hated the new pair less than 2 hours after I paid for it.

It cause abrasion on my feet. Bleed and painful..

As usual, I left it outside my home, hoping that someone will steal it…(so that I can have an excuse to buy a new and more comfortable pair). After 10 days…it's still there…sigh.

Then 2 days ago, a small pile of poo was found just outside of my home. The small, cute, stinky poo of those little Kittens running around the entire neighbourhood… Was wondering why outside my doorstep of all other peoples…

Then yesterday…the Kitten, again decided to strike. 2 days in a row.

This time, It pee infront of my doorstep. Onto all the slippers outside. I was cursing and cleaning the stuffs off…yet was smiling happily inside…

Because I can throw away my new pair of slippers that is full of Kitty Pee now!!! And buy a new comfortable pair!!! Yeah!!! Hahahah!!!

The kitty must have heard my plead…

Photo : Reach for the sky!!

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