Friday, May 25, 2007

I Know, U Dunno!!

Some people are so so impossible.

When they think they know about things, and think and thought they have done some things, where infact they have and did not.


Well..that could some up this kinda person.

Confuse. Disorganised.

When such disorganised people do stuffs, it's all over the place and it's chaotic. Worst, if these kinda people deal with others who are steady and know what's going on. The steady kinda people, with one look, they can access the situation and know what's ahead. But with those that are confused…they simply refuse to accept it.

They think they have everything under control and perceive the other party as "not knowing what's going on". In true fact, these fools are the lost lambs.

I simply cannnot tahan these SAS people…(SAS..Stupid Act Smart).

Of cos, with people who know whats happening and are prepared, they will not have much questions. But to those SAS, no questions means you do not know what's happening…


All I can say is, everyone is sitting down, and watching you act out your stupidity and displaying your "excellent" organisational skill…

Haha!! Joke.

Photo : What? I am part of the display...

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