Thursday, May 17, 2007

Square Enix

This is Heaven for all Video Game lovers.

Took awhile to hunt this store down. The best(weird) thing is that, this store only open for business on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays...Closed from Monday to Friday...(I wanna work there!!)

Lotsa goodies from famous workd or Square, Enix and SquareEnix... FF fanboys, Dragon Quest fanboys are pampeed to death with all the collectibles and products there.

There are also alot of displays of characters and products that are exclusive and not for sale. The main thing I was looking for was "Sephiroth". Life size "Sephiroth". He is lying under the ground, fully covered with a hard glass that people walk all over..Really cool display. His features, skin tone, hair etc etc are all very life like.

These Japanese are really good at such stuffs.

Photos : Entrance to SquareEnix Showcase and Sephiroth buried under the ground...Cool as hell!

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