Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Peeping Tom

Peeping tom.

We love 'em, we hate 'em.

The worst and funny thing is having a peeping tom at the work place.

When I say peeping tom at the work place, I dun mean that someone going around peeping at women/men's private areas… The peeping tom I am talking about here is..peeping at other people's work, stuffs, contracts, proposals, emails. Tom moves around the whole place like a little mouse, wants to be involve in everything and anything. Wants to comment on everything and anything. Assume that everything and anything that people wear are new, with a same "type" of question asked every other day….


This kinda people is totally unacceptable. Not only invading of privacy, but also P&C stuffs. Peeping Tom(let's call this person Tom, regardless of gender), Tom have that bad habit. Tom would know a lot of things about peoples work and proposals that caught the owner off guard!

I once made a direct comment(knowing me, you don't expect anything less), "wow! Toom! You know a lot about XXX huh!!" Tom wqas glaring at me, feeling very embarrassed and have that "gonna murder me" look.

The problem is, Tom never learn!! No matter how many times people have told Tom subtlely or directly(have to be Jack), Tom just never learn!!

I rather Tom peep at my cock than my work…


Photo : Here we go, my favorite Art piece in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. Maman by Louise Bourgeois. I really really adore the whole visual and feel it gave... Wonder if this Spider peeps like Tom...


Keevy - 小明® said...

hahaha...i hate such Toms too...i am beginning to wonder whether this Tom is a chio bu...

JackRedShoes said...

pls pls pls, definitely not a chio bu. Not ugly, but nowhere near a chio bu...