Wednesday, May 30, 2007


News Flash! News Flash!

Ok, not so great stuffs anyway.

Check out my new "dough" blog, titled JackRedDough.(See the link on your right of this blog...)

It's not about all food and beverages. it's gonna be focusing on Bread, cakes, donuts etc... Cos, Jack have this love/obsession for food of that category...

I have been hesitating to open up this food blog, cos there are already so many food related blogs out there(Keeve had his food blog too!)..dun wanna do the redundant and labeled as a follower/copycat of the crowd...

But, heck, since UsagiKiller have this love of bread too, might as well share our enjoyment to all who is interested too!(Dun expect to see Loh Mee, Laksa, Prawn Noodle in it...)

So, if you love bread and dough stuffs, hop in and see what's baking!

Jack will try his best to update it as often as possible...

Photo : Miyazaki's work infront of a office building in Tokyo...amazing stuffs..the

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