Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Days of Thunder

F1 is gonna happen here next year.

After so many months of rumors and reports, finally it's been announced.

Very very good news for us. For me at least.

The next 5 years are gonna be wonder years…and I have to be where I am now to fully enjoy this piece of biz…ahhh…such joy…

The McClarens…Ferraris…zooming past my office…biz coming in to us in 300km/h..yeah…!!!! That’s the way!!! The pit is gonna be here!! Just here!!!! Yeah!!

Everyone in this area are bracing for this event now…and the whole world will wanna get something from us now…"we are xxx, so u must give us xxx, cos we wanna see the F1." Oh please. Dream on. At least 2.5 times what we are calling for right now is what I would say. Hahahaha!!!!!! Looks like we are gonna have the last laugh for the next 5 years…

Zoom!!! Zoom!!!!

Photos : Write a wish, hang it there, all will come true.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Congrats...more good years to come! (that sounds distinctively familiar)...anyway, i still can't imagine the inconveniences it will bring to that important town area during race time. WTO was already quite bad, can you imagine F1?!?!