Monday, May 14, 2007

Sick Sick Cat

Was a Sick cat over the weekend.

Had been going on and off this virus… Fever, bodyache, flu etc etc etc…

Sneaked out to catch Spiderman 3 in the evening…althought feeling so horrible and weak..

The queue for pop-corn is the longest I have ever seen in a neighbourhood cinema. Over 30 people infront of me… Mostly kids… Lotsa kids watching this show…should'nt Spidey 3 be NC16? Such violence…and weird stuffs… if there is ever gonna be a Spidey 4, pls make it RA21…and all these noisy kids will have to sit at home sucking thumb!! Bwahahahaah!!

Anyway, Portrait of Ruins and the sickness have taken up my entire weekend…felt so so so wasteful over the weekend… Looking forward to a better sunny weekend on 5 days time…

Photo : What can I say, the beauty of nature...Sakura...

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