Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Chacott is a extremely famous brand for dancing(ballet). I was told(UsagiKiller's the culprit).

Japanese brand, only available in Japan(i think). I went to the one located in Shibuya.

Obviously I did not buy anything there, but Usagi killer did. Some makeup stuffs. I walked in, took a look, besides the gorgeous store attendants, the display and ballet clothings are nice, stylish infact.

The colours of the stuffs available in there are very attractive to the eyes...anyone whos into dancing(ballet) will sure feel like in heaven entering this shop.

Err...Miffy..i did not buy any ballet stuffs for you...(i dun know your size laa!!! besides your boobs size that is...)...I only have photos to show you... Go to the website and enjoy salivating... www.chacott.co.jp

Photo : Tada!!!! hahaha(sorry neh..Miffy...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can breathe and feel ballet from your pix!
Btw, did u ask if they need sales assistant? ;p

balletomane aka miffy