Wednesday, May 30, 2007


News Flash! News Flash!

Ok, not so great stuffs anyway.

Check out my new "dough" blog, titled JackRedDough.(See the link on your right of this blog...)

It's not about all food and beverages. it's gonna be focusing on Bread, cakes, donuts etc... Cos, Jack have this love/obsession for food of that category...

I have been hesitating to open up this food blog, cos there are already so many food related blogs out there(Keeve had his food blog too!)..dun wanna do the redundant and labeled as a follower/copycat of the crowd...

But, heck, since UsagiKiller have this love of bread too, might as well share our enjoyment to all who is interested too!(Dun expect to see Loh Mee, Laksa, Prawn Noodle in it...)

So, if you love bread and dough stuffs, hop in and see what's baking!

Jack will try his best to update it as often as possible...

Photo : Miyazaki's work infront of a office building in Tokyo...amazing stuffs..the

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I guess one of the highest compliments one can get in this line of job would go something like these…

"Jack, If you are not around, we will never do xxx with your company again. You cannot go on leave, if you do, then we postpone the xxx, untill you come back.”

“Jack, you better dun leave the cmpany, if you do, your company can forget about biz from us.”

“Please ask Jack to call me back, I only wanna speak to Jack”

Might not mean a lot to many people. But to me, that kinda meant a lot…the achievement and satisfaction all comes from comments like such above...The returns for hard work, sometimes years of it...

Somehow, there’s this thing about challenging people and their foundness of Jack...

Photo : Tetris...


OK, "Fuckerella"~pronouced as "Fucker-re-la" is derived from Cinderella.

Somehow, someone from my former work place just came out with this word..and it got stuck with me ever since.

Used it quite often and have forgotten that not many people will know what it means...

So someone asked me just.."what is fuckerella?"

Than it reminded me...ahh...that!!

Fuckerella can be used on male and female the same. For example, when you called someone "you fucker!" That would usually mean, that person is a man and is such an asshole. Thus earning him the title of "fucker".

When you wanna call a lady "fucker", it somehow seems unappropriate... so, that's when the word "Fuckerella" comes into use. Of cos, you can use it on a man as well, it just elevates the man's status to gay.

So, enjoy using fuckerella.

Photo : Fuckerellas(many fuckerella, thus add a "s" behind) from yester-years...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Lucky Bastard

Today is kinda lucky for me.

I was on my way back to offce after getting a haircut...and I spotted something that stands out on the ground of the busy street...

It's money. On the floor, where so many people are walking past every other second and nobody seems to notice it.

So obviously, being the poorest soul on earth, i approached the money, It smiled at me begging for ownership...

I picked it up and was shock that nobody bother about it...cos, it's US$100.

So, I am US$100 richer today! Thank you god and whoever..

Photo : The unwanted US$100's mine, it's mine, it's mine!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Blue Dragon

The first RPG for the new generation finally hits upon us…

I would have to praise Microsoft for what they did to this game.

They translate the game from Japanese to English/Chinese/Korean within 5 months from the Japanese release for the Asia market. The Europe and America region will have to wait till end of this year. A full Year late from Japanese release..

With the Asian version, they kept the Japanese voive over intact, with subtitles of English or Chinese. Great job Microsoft.

With Hironobu Sakaguchi creating and spearheading this project, Akira Toriyama's character desogn and Nobuo Uematsu's composed music..many would think that this game cannot go wrong. Indeed, it does not disappoint. It's amazing infact.(comes in 3 DVDs!!)

High Definition graphics, addictive combat, deep character growth, interesting story line, amazing and haunting music..and a song sung by Ian's really a great job done. Creativity unleashed.

Was so so anticipating the experience that I bought the Japanese manga during it's release in Japan..amazing art by Takeshi Obata(Death Note fame).

Guess another 60 hours of time wasting on this experience...

Photo : Blue Dragon Manga and Game

Percy Pig and Pals

I have this thing for soft gummy.

The one thing I can never resist is "Percy Pig and Pal" from Marks & Spencer...

Percy of cos being the pig..and his 2 pals, sheep and cow...

For a soft gum addict like me, finnishing the whole pack within 5 mins is normal... When I am feeling no good, moody or stressed..soft gum helps...

Photo : I am gonna eat all of you!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Carousel Cafe

After high recommendation from someone to Carousel Café(newly renovated) for their buffet spread, I finally had a chance over the weekend to try out their high-tea.

Well, the one and only thing I am looking forward to is their bread and butter raisin pudding over at the dessert counter. The former restaurant have really good bread and butter pudding. So, I am hoping that dun go with the renovation.

Ok, the atmosphere of the "new" restaurant ain't so bad, but that's it.

The spread is pretty good, but lack real quality. It's basically, Quantity, no Quality. The food were totally nothing to wow about.

At least they are using Luzerne New Bone for their plates and cups. It's a habit of mine of sorts, whenever I step into a restaurant, I would always flip the plates, cups, over and see what they are using. Luzerne aint bad…(I saw a particular Hotel~claimed themselves as 6 stars grand hotel~using Ikea cups in the room. Totally unacceptable. Not even the cheapest of the lot, Nikko…let alone seeing a Narumi...)

Ok, the pudding is still good…and I had enuff to stop my craving for awhile…

Photo : Bread & Butter Pudding with Vanilla Sauce!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mini Twister

Half way thru work, I notive the above scene appeared just off the shore of Singapore…

It's a first time for me seeing something like this…

It's like a mini "twister" moving across a small spot, with rain hitting on where it goes to..the surrounding are clear..

Nature is really interesting…yet scary...

Photo : Twister

I Know, U Dunno!!

Some people are so so impossible.

When they think they know about things, and think and thought they have done some things, where infact they have and did not.


Well..that could some up this kinda person.

Confuse. Disorganised.

When such disorganised people do stuffs, it's all over the place and it's chaotic. Worst, if these kinda people deal with others who are steady and know what's going on. The steady kinda people, with one look, they can access the situation and know what's ahead. But with those that are confused…they simply refuse to accept it.

They think they have everything under control and perceive the other party as "not knowing what's going on". In true fact, these fools are the lost lambs.

I simply cannnot tahan these SAS people…(SAS..Stupid Act Smart).

Of cos, with people who know whats happening and are prepared, they will not have much questions. But to those SAS, no questions means you do not know what's happening…


All I can say is, everyone is sitting down, and watching you act out your stupidity and displaying your "excellent" organisational skill…

Haha!! Joke.

Photo : What? I am part of the display...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

With Hope In Your Heart...

Back from licking the wounds of the Mighty Reds failing to lift the 6th European title…

With all the wannabes kocked out(Man U, Chelsea etc etc), the whole world are watching 2 of Europe best football teams battle it out. Atmosphere were fantastic. But for the Reds supporters, only 1 word sums it up.


Reds were just not good enuff on that night. Milan have only 1 chance in the first 45mins, and they scored with a deflection off Inzaghi's arm. 2nd half, Reds defense went to sleep for a slipt second and that's all Milan need to secure their 7th title. With so so many chances for Reds, they just could not finish it.

"you'll never walk alone" was in full voice during the closing stage of the match, even when all hopes are gone. This shows one thing.

Loyalty and passion from the Kops.

Chelsea and Man U, that is something money and diving cannot buy. Ever.

It's obvious what will top the gaffer's summer purchases list for next season.

Move on and better for next year. Looking forward to another AC Milan Vs Liverpool Champions League Final for 2007/8 season!!

Photo : Boats from the future???

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

You'll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

The build up and anticipation for tonight's main event is killing me..My whole heart is already in Athens now...

Tomorrow this time..I will either be Singing or Crying...

Photo : Beautiful flowers infront of house...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Banana Bin...

Another departure.

Sad. #10.

Tides are changing.

New era and new direction.

New blood, new challenges.

Casualties are expected.

Quitters and loosers dun have a place.

Fighters stay and fight.

When the sun rises tomorrow, it's another new day, another new challenge.

Move on.

Photo : Appropriate for the departure?

Ladies Dun Like Ultraman..?

There I was, enjoying my cigi at this "smoking spot" in Raffles Place and spacing out.

2 Sexy Gorgeous ladies approached me. Really reall Sexy and Gorgeous.

"Hiya, can we borrow a light?"

(oh shit, came to my mine…)

"Absolutely" I said, sounding confident and cool.(was nervously thinking of my lighter…)

I presented the lighter to them…and they go..

"Oh…! Ha!" Smiled and laughed.

They stared at the lighter for awhile after using it and smile again…

Arghhed!! I think a St Dupont lighter will do the trick…arghhed!!

Photo : The Ultraman Lighter from Tokyo... arghhed!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Think Thought Thoughts

I have been saying this for the past 2 weeks.

"People dun bother to think with their brains, before opening their mouths."

Think. Just Think abit more, before making statements and also saying stupid things that dun make sense. Seems like most of the time, words come out before going thru their brains.

You may think that it's correct and nothing wrong with what you say. You may even think that is smart of you. But think a little more, you will find that it's totally stupid and shows a lot about you and your judgement.

Sigh. I would have kept quiet if It's me. Work on the negatives and make it straight. Take the challenges face on, conquer it, not start making stupid statements and even excuses.

The whole think does not impact me, but I just find it unbelievable. I am actually having a good laugh and pity that dumb soul...

Photo : Have a cigi, a cuppa and think thru before opening your gap...

Anticipated Let Down

An extremely boring and disappointing FA Cup Final last weekend.

I was so looking forward to 2 self proclaim BEST TEAMS in the world playing against each other. Especially in the new Wembly Stadium.Everyone is so looking forward to this final. "No better teams to show case this final"~some fool were quoted as saying… (It's a far cry in comparision to the first FA Cup final played out of England(Wembly), in Cardiff, in 2000/2001. Between Arsenal and Liverpool)

In the end? Boring like fuck.

With an unsportsmanship claim from Ryan Giggs for a goal when it was NOT a goal. Over all, it's a huge let down, and does not match up to the pre-game hype and expectations. Yawnnn…..

(Who can forget last year's amazing, exciting, unbelievable FA Cup final between 2 "LOW" teams?)

Infact, the semi-final match between Nadal and Hewitt over the next channel was much more exciting. It decides who will meet Roger Federer in the final on Sunday. Nadal(personal favorite) the clay court expert(world #2) versus Roger Federer(World #1) is a exciting prospect. Well, the final was last night and Roger Federer came up tops.

It's gonna be hell of a week… The build up to this Thursday's epic final between 2 of Europe's Finest in football is driving me nuts…maybe it's gonna be as disappointing a match as the FA Cup? Maybe it's gonna be a unforgettable night for fans of either side? Let's see if this year, the Milan fans will turn to support the Reds again like 2005(when Reds were on the brink of a 3-0 come back, Milan fans unexpectedly cheered on the Reds. They too wanna see history and football of a different kind)…

Really hoping for a crunching Final this Thursday...

Photo : Who is the master, who is the puppet...?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kitty Kitty Kitty

After so so long, I finally discard my old slippers 2 weeks back and bought a new pair.

The friction are all worn off for the old pair, so I bought this dull looking yet good friction pair 14 days back. And I hated the new pair less than 2 hours after I paid for it.

It cause abrasion on my feet. Bleed and painful..

As usual, I left it outside my home, hoping that someone will steal it…(so that I can have an excuse to buy a new and more comfortable pair). After 10 days…it's still there…sigh.

Then 2 days ago, a small pile of poo was found just outside of my home. The small, cute, stinky poo of those little Kittens running around the entire neighbourhood… Was wondering why outside my doorstep of all other peoples…

Then yesterday…the Kitten, again decided to strike. 2 days in a row.

This time, It pee infront of my doorstep. Onto all the slippers outside. I was cursing and cleaning the stuffs off…yet was smiling happily inside…

Because I can throw away my new pair of slippers that is full of Kitty Pee now!!! And buy a new comfortable pair!!! Yeah!!! Hahahah!!!

The kitty must have heard my plead…

Photo : Reach for the sky!!

Square Enix

This is Heaven for all Video Game lovers.

Took awhile to hunt this store down. The best(weird) thing is that, this store only open for business on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays...Closed from Monday to Friday...(I wanna work there!!)

Lotsa goodies from famous workd or Square, Enix and SquareEnix... FF fanboys, Dragon Quest fanboys are pampeed to death with all the collectibles and products there.

There are also alot of displays of characters and products that are exclusive and not for sale. The main thing I was looking for was "Sephiroth". Life size "Sephiroth". He is lying under the ground, fully covered with a hard glass that people walk all over..Really cool display. His features, skin tone, hair etc etc are all very life like.

These Japanese are really good at such stuffs.

Photos : Entrance to SquareEnix Showcase and Sephiroth buried under the ground...Cool as hell!

Familiar Face

Saw a Familiar Face last evening over Dinner.

Looks like Familiar Face manages the food store that was directly opposite where I was seated. I placed my food order for another store, not from Familiar Face's, I had the lovely Prawn Noodles…yummy...

It's weird seeing Familiar Face serving, managing patrons, in such a gentle and nice manner(it must be his own business…). Very weird and kinda wrong way that I would remember Familiar Face. I guess people do change accordingly to the situation and enviroment that they are in…

It's a weird feeling seeing Familiar Face(s) after so many years… hmmm…

Photo : Freshly made at Askakusa, yummy to the max...throat unfriendly...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Chacott is a extremely famous brand for dancing(ballet). I was told(UsagiKiller's the culprit).

Japanese brand, only available in Japan(i think). I went to the one located in Shibuya.

Obviously I did not buy anything there, but Usagi killer did. Some makeup stuffs. I walked in, took a look, besides the gorgeous store attendants, the display and ballet clothings are nice, stylish infact.

The colours of the stuffs available in there are very attractive to the eyes...anyone whos into dancing(ballet) will sure feel like in heaven entering this shop.

Err...Miffy..i did not buy any ballet stuffs for you...(i dun know your size laa!!! besides your boobs size that is...)...I only have photos to show you... Go to the website and enjoy salivating...

Photo : Tada!!!! hahaha(sorry neh..Miffy...)

Days of Thunder

F1 is gonna happen here next year.

After so many months of rumors and reports, finally it's been announced.

Very very good news for us. For me at least.

The next 5 years are gonna be wonder years…and I have to be where I am now to fully enjoy this piece of biz…ahhh…such joy…

The McClarens…Ferraris…zooming past my office…biz coming in to us in 300km/h..yeah…!!!! That’s the way!!! The pit is gonna be here!! Just here!!!! Yeah!!

Everyone in this area are bracing for this event now…and the whole world will wanna get something from us now…"we are xxx, so u must give us xxx, cos we wanna see the F1." Oh please. Dream on. At least 2.5 times what we are calling for right now is what I would say. Hahahaha!!!!!! Looks like we are gonna have the last laugh for the next 5 years…

Zoom!!! Zoom!!!!

Photos : Write a wish, hang it there, all will come true.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Someone said something I totally unexpected today.

She said "My negative Atoms have increased..." It's a normal descriptive term, but to hear it from her..I was pleasantly surprise.

I of cos praised her and said that was a good one coming from her!(well, she scolded me, saying that "To you, I am a bimbo what! Humph!"

Well, that's not the point!!! I like the way she uses the atom's just Anyway, good one!!

Photo : Mister Donut..Yummy!!!! See the amount we ordered for 2 person...and of cos nothing left in the end(last photo)

Sick Sick Cat

Was a Sick cat over the weekend.

Had been going on and off this virus… Fever, bodyache, flu etc etc etc…

Sneaked out to catch Spiderman 3 in the evening…althought feeling so horrible and weak..

The queue for pop-corn is the longest I have ever seen in a neighbourhood cinema. Over 30 people infront of me… Mostly kids… Lotsa kids watching this show…should'nt Spidey 3 be NC16? Such violence…and weird stuffs… if there is ever gonna be a Spidey 4, pls make it RA21…and all these noisy kids will have to sit at home sucking thumb!! Bwahahahaah!!

Anyway, Portrait of Ruins and the sickness have taken up my entire weekend…felt so so so wasteful over the weekend… Looking forward to a better sunny weekend on 5 days time…

Photo : What can I say, the beauty of nature...Sakura...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hopes and Dreams

5 minutes of the most inspirational part of "Any Given Day" was shown in the Divisional Meeting yesterday. The purpose was to perked up the energy and positiveness of the whole division and to get in more millions by year end.

It had Al Pacino addressing his team of American Footballers during the interval of a match in their dressing room. The team is losing at half time and none of them are working together as a team. Thus the extremely engaging and inspirational speech by the manager, drove and lifted the entire team.

It is indeed inspirational.

The 2 things that inspires and moves me untill today is, Lance Armstrong and Liverpool.

Lance Armstrong. Cancer. NOBODY gave him any chance of survival. NOBODY.

He fought and survived thru cancer, long painful road, followed by winning the Tour de France in successive years, donning the yellow jersey and hitting his fist up towards the sky at the final stretch of the race…It showcases persistence, endurance, will power, love and pure determination. It really proves that Miracles do happen. Miracles are purely created by your very own hands.

Liverpool. BIG underdogs in 2005 Champions League Final against AC Milan.

NOBODY gave them a single chance. NOBODY. Even their faithful Kops(Red Devils fans must be laughing their heads off). True enough, 3 Goals down inside the first 45mins of the match. Kops were silence. Dreams broken. Hopes gone. ANY team, ABSOLUTELY any team would have given up hope too. And the Kops knows that Reds are not gonna be Champions.

In the second half, Captain Steven Gerrard pulled the whole team back from hell with a goal. Followed by 2 more goals from Smicer and Alonso. 3 Goals inside 12 mins. 3-3. Game on. Goes to penalty, the "worst" goalkeeper made a wonderful save from the multi-million dollar striker of AC Milan. The trophy is going back to Anfield, UK for good.(Red eyed Devils fans) Again, determination, endurance, believe, will power and love.

These 2 classic examples never failed to inspired me. Moving. If anything that can make a man drop tears, its gonna be sports.

Nothing comes close.

Photo : Liberty in Odaiba, Tokyo. Statue of hopes and dreams.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman

"Spiderman, Spiderman, where are you coming from, Spiderman! Nobody knows who you are!!"

This is from a children's(my era) show called Electric Company(very similar to Sesame Street), always enjoyed watching that. Such childhood joy!

Well, now the craze and hot stuff is all about Spiderman 3.(I say Kirsten Dunst's nipples are hotter!)

Good job done for the first 2 part. I have yet to catch this part 3. But honestly, I was a little skeptical when the first one came out. But it turned out to be damm fine work. The directive and effects are amazing. Part 2, was as good! Rather, better!

Now, Venom for part 3. I always think that it will be very tricky to portray Venom properly in a movie, when Todd MacFarlane did such a good job creating the character so many years back. Legions and Legions of Spiderman fans, love Venom. LOVE him. Looking at the trailer, Sam Raimi did not seem to disappoint us.

I am dying to watch this… tickets… I need tickets…

Photo : Spiderman 3 Exhibition in Roppongi Hills, World fastest release in Tokyo, the whole crew is there for the event. It's a huge thing in Tokyo, Japan. Spidey is everywhere in the city!!!

Peeping Tom

Peeping tom.

We love 'em, we hate 'em.

The worst and funny thing is having a peeping tom at the work place.

When I say peeping tom at the work place, I dun mean that someone going around peeping at women/men's private areas… The peeping tom I am talking about here is..peeping at other people's work, stuffs, contracts, proposals, emails. Tom moves around the whole place like a little mouse, wants to be involve in everything and anything. Wants to comment on everything and anything. Assume that everything and anything that people wear are new, with a same "type" of question asked every other day….


This kinda people is totally unacceptable. Not only invading of privacy, but also P&C stuffs. Peeping Tom(let's call this person Tom, regardless of gender), Tom have that bad habit. Tom would know a lot of things about peoples work and proposals that caught the owner off guard!

I once made a direct comment(knowing me, you don't expect anything less), "wow! Toom! You know a lot about XXX huh!!" Tom wqas glaring at me, feeling very embarrassed and have that "gonna murder me" look.

The problem is, Tom never learn!! No matter how many times people have told Tom subtlely or directly(have to be Jack), Tom just never learn!!

I rather Tom peep at my cock than my work…


Photo : Here we go, my favorite Art piece in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. Maman by Louise Bourgeois. I really really adore the whole visual and feel it gave... Wonder if this Spider peeps like Tom...

Monday, May 07, 2007

You Never Know What You Gonna Get...

Life is really funny.

You really do not know when and what you gonna get what and how... confused?

Haha! Let's just say, things have a way of coming round back to you to haunt or surprise you.

It's really scary... An example just happned today... I could not beleive it when I received the call...hmmm...

All I can do now, is to wait and see if the whole thing takes off. If it does, good. If not, no problem I had lost it before. So no more feelings...

Photo : Put in your coin, turn the knob and out comes the little ball/egg..and you never know what you gonna get inside. That's the fun and exciting part! I am a sucker for this...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Money Money Money

This is the newest addition to the family. The work family that is.

Shared between Princess Mel and Jack.

Feed it with mineral water everyday...

Taking care and loving it, making sure that it is well and happy. "Sayang" and talked to it daily as well.

It will give us money and more business!!! It will be our little money generator!! It had already helped us..thank you! Muack!! Muack!!

2 more million. Just 2 more million. Sayang sayang...!!

Photo : Money Money growing in the office

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Road to Athens

What can I say.

The hopefuls, tons and tons of Red Devils fans, full of confidence and arrogance, thinking and assuring that their team will be in Athens, setting up a all English Final for the European Cup.

What a let down, I am sure to all their follwers.

I was in Tokyo when the last 4 teams emerged. On CNN, one of their sports reporter said :"There is always that special someone in these teams to turn the game around and make things happen. In Chelsea, there is Drogba, Man U there is Ronaldo, AC Milan there is Kaka. I just do not see anyone from Liverpool fitting that role. They simply cannot make it into the final. The final will be between Chelsea and Man U."

I burst out laughing and switch channels. I remembered the words he said very very well. commented that, he should have only started watching soccer...

Drogba worked hard, and did great in both legs. In the end, It's team effort and drive of Steven Gerrard together with the Manager's tactics that see Reds thru to another European Final.

This morning, KaKa, as expected, showed the world why he is the best. Ronaldo is just an infant(and serial diver) just standing there looking at the master strokes of THE Kaka. It's amazing why some are foolish enough to compare Kaka to Ronaldo even. If it's anyone close, I would say its Giggs.

Ferguson admit defeat. The better team won. Simple as that.

To be honest, I would prefer to see Man U in the final rather than AC Milan. Cos, AC Milan is a Championship team. They know how to win a Final, they know what it takes, they are worl class. This Man U team? They can only come back from a 2 goal down against teams like Everton. For exactly the same scenerio last night against AC(2 goals down), what happened? They were raped further by Kaka and company.

Now, AC Milan Vs Liverpool. Dejavu.

Identical Final in a space of 3 years.

AC Milan, 6 time Champs of Europe.

Liverpool, 5 time Champion of Europe.

Just like 2 years back, in Istanbul, I have only 10% confidence. For Liverpool to become the 6 time Europe Champions in Athens in 14 days time, this time, confidence is even lesser...5% maybe...

AC will do anything and everything to make sure they win this time...

Well, guess we can look forward to a very good time on 23 May in Athens. Either way, both teams are already Champions to make it to Athens.

All the wannabes in Blue and the pose Reds, enjoy your little domestic triumps over each other, tune in to your TV, sit back, suck your thumbs, and watch a real world class football match between 2 of the best teams ever in Europe.

Photo : JP Morgan run tonight....more than 3/4 of the ladies here are running I rather work or go home and sleep.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Δεν βρέθηκαν λέξεις.

Here we come!

Athens, May 23 2007.

I still dunno how to react after this morning's win over Chelsea. Dunno to laugh or to cry...

last week, Reds were 1 nil down. UsagiKiller asked me, what happens if Liverpool wins 1-0 this week?

I told her, it goes to extra time.

"no one scores in extra time?"

It will go to penalty shootout I replied her.

"Oh! Like that Liverpool sure win. Cos Pepe is THE spotkick expert!" UsagiKiller said.

And true enuff, this is exactly what happened this morning.

The ball is round, anything could happen. And this game, this Football game, it's really all about passion, love and hate.

2 Champions League Final in 3 seasons taking chrage of a club for a new manager is an amazing achievement. Any manager would kill to have this kinda track record.

"The Special One" must hate Anfield like anything now. The Kops always win his team when it matters most.

You may be the best team in English soil, but fails miserably in the Big Stage, the European League. It's always so special watching European matches...the atmosphere, the I love this game.

It does not matter who we meet in Athens. AC? Man U? Dun care.

I am just enjoying the joy right now of another exciting final. Any team that reaches the Final is already a Champion in itself.

Just pray that Reds will be the 6th Time Champions of Europe come May 23...

Photo : Top - 2005 Champions in Istanbul, on the board of my work desk.
Bottom : The win at Anfield, setting the stage for Athens 2007.(photo courtesy of