Tuesday, September 26, 2006


"I dunno you well enough" one female friend said to me.

Come to think of it...i dunno myself well enough sometimes too.

I seems to talk alot at times, gets very irritated and frustrated some times out of the blue. And is very good at shutting myself out to everybody suddenly. Distance away, no communications, no signs, cut off from everyone. Just totally submerged into somewhere. It just happened without me paying too much attention and notice of it. It's very very difficult to read my thoughts, some said. I seem to zoomed off suddenly, dunno what is going thru my head. Unpreditable i think...

Another female friend commented : "You want things your way. Everything and everyone must somehow work within your time range and expectation. Leaves no room for negotiation unless you are totally convinced of another way." Basically, she meant stubbon, I think. Once I made up my mind on something, or form an opinion on something/someone, I hardly change my views.

Seems like alot of people will have a challenge getting thru to me and understand me...

Photo : Think it's amazing that 2 couples just happens to fall into the focus area, one on the love path, the other into the man's grave...


Keevy - 小明® said...


Well written and it is an exact description of you! People out there, i can vouch that this is the guy after knowing him for 17 freaking years!

Good that you seem to know urself well...hahaha. To a certain extent, some of the description seem to fit me too...with the exception of stubborness part...that one, you are the champion, brother!


Anonymous said...

Keevy... why didn't you warn me earlier?! You would have saved me from walking into the wolf's trap?

Little Red Riding Hood

Keevy - 小明® said...

Little Red dear,

Well, girls love bad guys and wolves! hahaha