Tuesday, September 05, 2006

2 Types of People

"The World is divided into 2. Singaporeans and Non-Singaporeans" ~~ Singaporean

Take the below test and see which group you belong to :

1) You go to a Foodcourt for lunch. You..
A - Put your cheap pack of Tissue Paper on the table and "chiop" your seat.
B - Buy your food and find an empty seat there after.

2) You go to a foodcourt for dinner with friends. You see an empty chair, you...
A - Take the chair and "own" it.
B - Ask if the chair is taken before taking it.

3) Your local Shopping Mall is having a BIG SALE. You...
A - You take leave from work, wake up 5am, go to the Mall and queue.
B - Drop by after work if you have the time.

4) You spend $500,000 for a dream car. Upon entering a carpark you...
A - Demand the $2 parking charges be complimentary for you.
B - Give $5 to the valet and ask him to keep the change.

5) After spending $20 for your dinner, upon paying the bill you...
A - Says the food is horrible and DEMAND for discount off your bill.
B - Compliment the food and pay.

There are at least 2 million more bad habits questions that can judge whether you are a Singaporean or not, but due to space constrain, I can only put 5 questions... If you answers are mostly "A", you are a Singapore by heart and nature. If your answers are mostly "B", you are a human, a non-Singaporean.

Me? I am sad to say...mostly "A"s...

Photo : Miami Beach??

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Hey, surprisingly I've got a perfect Bs...how unsporean i am