Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Got a few hours to spare this afternoon.

Made a trip down to Little India for some photos. On the way there, met a former colleague, he was with his friend who turned out to be my Secondary School 1 friend. Where this former colleague of mine, his brother turn out to be my secondary school 1 friend as well. Confuse? Ha! It's really a small world!!

Anyway, back to little India. Took a train down, and upon reaching the Train Station, the un-mistakable aroma or Little India greets me... Well... what's that for the sake of photos?? ENDURE.

The weather is totally screwed for photos, no sunlight, totally gloomy. Took only a few shots and the humidity and heat almost killed me. Walked thru the whole place and the incredible smell of surely tasteful food is almost unbearable. I called someone and told the person "Hey, Little India have alot of Indians...." She could not take this "obvious" Joke and burst out laughing. Well, here are 5 shots to share although the weather is really horrible.

(Dun even remind me of Thaipusam. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, I am taking photos for that celebration. NO WAY. I will suffer cordia arrest if I see any of the people during Thaipusam...NO WAY. Period.)

Photo(from top to bottom) : 1~One of the many signboards of the alleys of Little India. 2~Flying Peacock? 3~What on earth is he selling. 4~Best spot for my lunch! 5~Snore...ZzZZ...zzz.z...zzz.....

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