Sunday, September 03, 2006

Someone who is impossible to replace

Other people's decision in life often have a affecting results to our very own life. Especially if that person is someone who is dear to you and commands all your respect.

The thought of her leaving the country for good is already resulting in little accumulated tear drops in the eyes already, although there are still many more months to go...but the very thought...

She have a big influence on us and often is as understanding as our mummy. It really is very hard to imagine how things would really change without her. It gets worrying and scary as the day draws nearer. We are gonna miss her everyday. Since she's in our life almost every day. I am not sure how those closest to her would react and adjust to their life when the day come...alot of tears, I am sure.

What I am trying to say is, she commands more respect from us than anybody else and we love her wholeheartedly.

We already miss you... :(

Photo : Have absolutely NOTHING to do with this blog entry! Just love the red and the pattern!!

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