Monday, September 18, 2006

Brainless Women

You may have hear the below comments many times. Well, I have and enough is enough.

Woman : "My future husband/boyfriend must have a car, have a monthly salary of $9999, must not be a smoker, must be a Christian, must never snore, must be taller than me, must be cute looking, must be caring, must be loving, must be reliable, must be able to buy landed property and on and on and on..."

I think that if any women were smart enough, she will not have made such senseless statements of requirements in their future partner. The point here is, when you come across the right person, you will know that he or she is the right one for you. Regardless if he is a millionaire or a street performer. You will accept him whole-heartedly and will go thru thick and thin with him. You will not mind whatever differences you both have and will accept all his little habits and flaws.(the biggest joke is for example..he must not be a smoker??? What???? Does anyone requires that he must not be a coffee drinker???? Oh Please!)

You mean you give him a 4 page questionnaire and ask him to tick on the appropriate boxes if he is a smoker, own a car, blah blah blah before agreeing to see and understand that person?????

A man can easily say : "My future girlfriend/wife must have either B or C cup, waist line no bigger than 25, flat abs, taller than 1.7m, long flowing hair with volume, big eyes with double eyelid, beautiful lips, dimples, dances like shakira, healthy looking skin colour, flawless complexion, intelligent..on and on and on."

When you met each other, you will know. Some of the tell tale signs will find all sort of excuses to see that person(no matter how silly your excuses are), you will smile to yourself for no reason, you wake up in the middle of the night to listen to music, you will look at her number in your mobile's contacts etc etc..basically, when you do things that people deem as stupid and idiotic, you are in love.

You women don't understand do you? It's not up to you for choosing, it's fate. Even if anyone were to choose, it will be the men that choose the women. Not the other way round. Why? 2 facts and reasons~~ 1, Women population far exceeds men. 2, all the good men are taken up.

So, go with fate and don't DEMAND. If not, you will be a 45 years old virgin with zero attraction.

Photo : Golden stream.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

And never say 'I will never marry a XXX' or something like that. Chances are you will end up with one.