Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hotcakes for Babies

Sunday morning is always the time for Hotcakes with the 2 Golden Arches.

In there, we always gets to see the most amusing and amazing "Singaporean Habits & Stories". Without fail.

We were seated next to a young couple with their baby boy. The wife spoke so loud at every given opportunity, be it across the table to her husband or on the phone with her mother(I know she's talking to her mother because she spoke so loudly!) Basically, I know her family's fullday itinerary after breakfast. She basically ANNOUNCED TO THE WHOLE WORLD.

After they settle down, the wife went to place their breakfast order, and the husband is taking care of the baby boy. At 1 point, the husband left the baby in his tramp and went to the toilet.

The baby is alone.

"I went over, took the baby away and went straight home. After this entry, I will be contacting my "suppliers" from Thailand to buy the baby, thus earning a fortune from there. The baby will probably end up as a beggar with the underground society of Thailand. Meanwhile, the parents will be crying to their grave for loosing their precious baby, and never be found ever again"

Of cos the paragraph above could really happen if there were really someone that "trade" babies were at the restaurant. How can parents be taking the society's safety for granted and leave the baby alone there like this?????? True enough, the husband got scolded from his wife after he came back. They feed the baby and start talking loudly about their day's program again. All is well and ends happy, cos the baby is still not "stolen".

They might not be so lucky next time.

Photo : Baby in a mailbox...

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