Sunday, September 17, 2006

The New Generation is Upon Us

Come Nov we will see the release of 2 new generation consoles.

Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii. XBOX 360 came earlier last Dec.

The PS3 will cost about S$950, where the Wii will cost about S$500. XBOX 360 cost about S$700.

Seriously, how could anyone say that gaming are for kids????? When I was a kid, I never have the money to own such a console. Parents to buy for me? DREAM ON!!! No parents then would spend such money to get something for their children, which they deem will cause them to do badly in school. Only when started working with a decent salary, than can one afford to spend that kinda money to buy a game machine.... Average gaming age is 28 - 40 years old.

Nevetherless, all 3 new systems will find their way into my hand while a big hole will be burnt into my pockets thru my wallet...

How can anyone resist MGS4 for PS3 and Zelda, Metriod for Wii?? Not possible.

It's gonna be a interesting Christmas this 2006.

Photo : Famitsu Weekly cover of MGS3 and MGS4.

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