Monday, September 25, 2006

Aries Behavourial Style

Rained early this morning at about 7am.

Hate it when rain starts pouring at this early hour of the day. It's the best moment to sleep under such weather and I have to kick start my day. How exciting.

As usual, traffic sucks and crawled all the way to office.


It just gets on my nerve when I am late, and all things seems to be out of order. I am someone that goes crazy when things are not within control or run out of expectation ranges. Need to fix it and fast.

So as you would suspect, I felt like I am in my PMS this morning. Let's hope it gets better after lunch...

Photo : Waited awhile before a birdie flew past the viewfinder. They come in flock, so have to be wait a little before the right scene sets in.

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