Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Little Anne

Spent the whole day kissing Little Anne.

It is simply unbelievable how a full day's time can be scheduled for doing something like that.

Little Anne's mouth is all blue and black, with lotsa little dirt around it...and her breast is kinda like a man's...almost non-existence...

After the whole day of kissing and pumping her abdominal area..I am now certified a "Little Anne Kisser" for 2 years. Still, I don't think I will do that at all if I see Little Anne anytime after today within the next 2 years...

Photo: Beautiful wall carving, difficult to get a clear shot without having some human in the pcture...


Anonymous said...

May I ask why Anne? And, not Mary, Jane or Siti?

Paris Hilton

JackRedShoes said...

Little Anne is the name of the rubber doll where we kiss for our CPR Training...Yucks!!
Thus Little Anne. Little Jane will sound nice tho...