Monday, September 04, 2006

Different Interest in Heart

Watched a show call Center Stage on DVD last night.

A friend HIGHLY recommended this show and said that she have watched it over 200 times(How on earth can someone do that??!!...well actually I work up the numbers abit...close tho). It's all about Ballet Dancing and how a bunch of young teenagers trying to cope and make the most out of their love, Ballet.

It was indeed a amazing show. The dances are so elegant and beautiful. Although I know nuts about ballet, and there is absolutely NO WAY I can even try to do anything that the characters have done in there...besides smoking cigis... It is still a enjoyable show.

Halfway thru, this thought came to mind.

"you have to have a interest/love in a particular subject to fully understand the nature, the toughness and the beauty of it." In this case, Ballet. I know nothing. I enjoyed the show. That's it. I can never relate to their joy and their pain of going thru what they have been thru.

Now if the show was about Photography, or Pornography, that I can relate totally. I will then be able to watch it over 200 times for that kinda subject.

Still, grab a copy of Center Stage and enjoy the Dreams, Hopes abd Passion of a bunch of young Ballerinas! You will enjoy it.

Photo : Rainbow on earth!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is like a Pirouette..
Be focused and know where you are going..

Maureen J.