Friday, December 15, 2006

Uno, Dos, Tres!!

Today is my 3rd Year Anniversary with the company.

3 feaking wonderful, beautiful and gorgeous years with all the Ladies & Gentlemen!

Everyone have grown wiser and prettier since 36 months ago. Still as charming and wonderful as they can be! It's really a great family here! Being the only thorn here among all the beautiful roses makes my life kinda easier too. Hahaha!

It really felt like yesterday that I just came onboard, the next thing I know~~ZOOOOOOOM!!~~ 3 years! Amazing how time flies when you grow older and having fun along the way. 3 Years...3 more years older, 3 more years of experience gained, 3 more years of learning, 3 more years of understanding human relationship, 3 more years of seeing the many many things can and had happened within last 3 years.

It's time to carefuly thought out the path ahead. Personal wellness is important, ultimately, you work for yourself, what you wanna achieve in life. Not your company. To your company, everyone is expandable. To you, your well being is everything and not expandable.

I am not gonna do this forever. The timeline have to be in place to reach my objective. Where, what I wanna do in how many years etc etc. Career development/advancement is 97% up to myself, 1% luck , 1% connections, 1% timing. We cannot totally rely on others at all. Persistence is the word. Keevy had started his first step for the New Year ahead, Congrats! I sometimes wish I can say the same, but the time seems not to be yet.

I am sure I will come to a point that I have to move on and do something totally different in life. The point might come next year, 2 years time or even next week. Who knows.

We are so busy in and out of office every single day of the week. Work is definitely still in the mind during off-work hours! There are absolutely no time for your mind to be free and think about ourselves.

Need to detach from work and free your mind and think. Think of everything. Think carefuly. (will probably need lotsa coffee to prevent my skull from splitting open while thinking...)

Let's see what happens in 2007.

Photo: Star Light, Star Bright, lotsa Stars I see tonight..

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Thanks but my step taken ahead is not so much directly on the career. In fact, it is a new commitment that i have chosen over my career so that I have to commit even more in my career....sounds confusing...hahaha.

Nevertheless, it is a huge step taken forward and i shall keep you updated next week when we meet.