Thursday, December 07, 2006


Here, we kick off a series of street scenes from Shanghai... hope the photos are not too lousy...

It's really amazing what you will see on the streets, especially at those little corners and areas that you think will have nothing. It's full of hidden secrets.

These days, seems to have problems with taking photos at alot of places...all thanks to the terrorist attacks, that made photo taking a challenge. With a huge camera and you are a terrorist. Shopping Center think you wanna bomb them, fruit sellers think you wanna bomb them too...EVERYBODY is so suspicious of each other now! Ha! Well, guess we cannot blame them for being careful. Still, that will not stop people who love photography I am sure!

Photo(Top to Bottom):
1~Absolutely no idea what kinda meat he is cutting...
2~Cart with rubbish or makeshift home...?
3~Mobile Fruit Seller.
4~The odd building out of the whole street, Red!!
5~So warm, soft and beautiful...

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