Wednesday, December 06, 2006



I have put up the photos and little notes/write ups about Shanghai.

I always wakes up about 6:30 - 7:00am(depending on when the Sun rises in the particular city), and hit the streets after a good cuppa to have the photo shoot(Of cos UsagiKiller is still sleeping thru the whole process).

in the next few blogs, I will show the streets life. Something that always amazes me in every city. I am gonna have the coloured and B&W photos to show in the next few entries. Hope the photos are not too bad... Do commment if you have any.

Bare with me!! Enjoy!!

Photo(Top to Bottom)"
1~Jack, early in the morning...
2~Jack and his favorite Red Shoes..hahahahahaha!!
3~Cuppa..what pushes me everyday...keeping me alive...
4~The notes that I have to scribble everynight to make sure i dun forget what i see..
5~My ever reliable camera...(lens cover taht is!!) Nikon...Jack's only choice..hahah!

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