Monday, December 11, 2006

Junk & Gem

Watched the 43rd Golden Horse Award on Saturday night.

Fabulous show. Good quality movies and excdellent actors/actress are been awarded for the hard work that they have done for the past years. Lotsa really good actors and actress attended the award as usual. Unfortunately, Tony Leung was not in attendance. But, Takeshi Kaneshiro made up for Mr Leung's absence. Both excellent actors are currently filming a movie together, and reported to be kinda heavy movie. I personally cannot wait to see 2 great looking, and strong actors in one show.

Aaron Kwok won the best actor for the 2nd year straight. Kudos to him! Well done on his part. He still have what it takes after all these years. Look at Andy Lau…kinda fading slowly… Leon lai??? What Leon Lai?? Jacky Cheung is still the god of Songs.

Jay Chow and Anthony walked on stage to hand out a particular award. The first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw both of them walking out was "An Idiot and a Genius. Perfect combination and showcase of talents." Of cos, Anthony Wong is the genius and Jay Chow is the wanna-be-song-creator-who-only-people-with-IQ-below-10-will-listen-to-his-songs idiot. Excellent contrast! Kudos to the Awards committee that put the 2 of them together on stage!!

Usagi Killer told me that Singapore is hosting it's very own Star Awards on Sunday. My first reaction was "huh? Thought they just did it 2 months ago? No?" I must be hallucinating.

Why on earth would Singapore do that? There's absolutely no talent and quality in whatever the locals produced. The actors, the actress…wah lan! Total junk. All wannabes who think that they are quality players whom people love so much. Please, wake up. You audience have been the population of Singaporean, aunties and uncles, young little things of 15 years old. Anyone who knows and enjoy quality movies, serials, acting, variety shows etc etc, will not enjoy anything that is put out locally, and with local actors and actress. I just cannot stand the local entertainment scene(Serials, Movies, Radio, Variety Show etc etc). It's full of non-sense. It's a disgrace. Please, just forget it.

Jack Neo is probably the only one worth applauding for his contribution to the local entertainment scene. But too bad, his resources(Actors & Actress) are too limited locally.

Maybe Singapore should join Malaysia and do shows together. Equally bad quality. Dubbed in Malay mabe…to increase the viewership. Ha! What a joke. (Try airing the Golden Horse Award and Local Awards at the same time slot. Tabulate the viewship percentage for each. Dare you. Dun even bother thinking about the Academy)

Ooops. Seems I am being too critical again. Sure thing there will be people that's gonna scold me with things like "you dun appreciate the local talent la, you so good, you go and act la blah blah blah." Well, I am not good, that's why I know and stay where I am. Or maybe I am just being critical and cocky and enjoy bitching! hahaha!

Maybe I should say...Singaporeans are WONDERFUL in the entertainment arena! Far beyond Oscar and Golden Horse quality! It's Hollywood's lost not to have our talents!.... Mr Spacey, Mr DeNiro, Mr Hanks, Mr Nicolson, Mr Leung, Mr Chow, Mr Wong and many many more, please step aside! Here comes the Singaporean talents!!


Photo : Angel of x'Mas!!!


Keevy - 小明® said...

Well written!

Ya, i got excited when i saw the movie ad of Tony Leung and Takeshi appearing in the papers...but guess it will be another missed movie again.

BTW, cheers to my favourite chio bu who won the best actress - Ivy Lee...but I missed watching it because i was busy gulping down glasses of red wine at a wedding banquet.

Seriously i think Jack Neo's movies are overrated (although he is my distant cousin).

JackRedShoes said...

Jack Neo is totally overrated. BUT, he is the only one who is worth applauding for what he is trying to do. Full marks for efforts.

Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony! ...(I am such a gay...hahahaha)