Friday, December 08, 2006

Red Red Wine

Had a wine tasting session last night.

Started with 4 wine glasses(2 red & 2 white) and 1 champagne on my table setting. Once the red & white started flowing... I just cannot stop(as always!!)

Very soon, I ended up with 10 wine glasses instead of the initial 4... hahaha! It turned out to be a wine "Drinking" session instaed of a wine "Tasting" session for me!

The gals are trying to be on track and go with the sommelier's flow on the how's and why's, following the notes and explanation...

Me..? I am already in my own wine drinking wonderland...

Namaste kept saying.."Jack! Can you please go along! We are still with the white!!!"..hahaha! Of cos I din hear...cos, I already started hearing Lounge music around me(imaginary).. hahahahahaha!!!

Lotsa fun!!!

Photo : Man-made Christmas Tree...

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