Saturday, December 30, 2006

World Dominance


What happened for the last 72 hours clearly demonstrates how reliant we are on technology.

Earthquake. Submarine Cables affected. Vast majority of network down. Asia, USA all affected.

Some business came to a standstill, some switch backed to manual operations, even Faxing are affected. No internet(or slowdown), information are limited, suddenly people are watching the News on TV versus checking CNN, BBC, CNA etc etc via the internet. "Information Constipation" is what we have. Emails, MS Outlook is down, no way of checking our planners if we are using the outlook heaviy. The whole network is down and nothing passes thru to us.

The good thing is that it happend during the festive season. Imagine it happened in July or August(busy corporate months), economy will suffer tremendously. We relied very much on technology, so much that a natural act by mother earth causes us so much pain.

To think of it, it's really quite scary... Imagine the whole world's network is down for 1 whole month. Nothing will be working in terms of network etc etc... That would have a huge effect on everything in our life...

I am currently reading 1984 by George Orwell. It's uncanny how the whole situation reminds me of the Orwell's world in 1984. Everything/everyone under the watchful eyes of the Big Brother, everyone is brainwashed, believing in history and events that never took place, everything under the Big Brother's control with technology and human mind manupilation... All we need is one person/organisation who is smart enough like Big Brother to control the world thru technology...

Give me my type-writer!(than again, life would be meaningless without mac...)

Photo : Basically, the chinese words says "Drink alcohol often and you will have better energy..."

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