Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Shanghai ~ Street Food

We tried some restaurants in Shanghai.

Some are really good, some, good yet suspicious...hahah!

We had the popular Dumpling, and the stuffing of the dumpling have all sorts of ingredients available. We took the conservative path, had pork and vegetables. It's really cheap. We have 12 dumpling and 1 big bowl of soup, cos us nothing more than S$3. We are totally full from a S$3 for 2 person meal. Fumbled a little during the food ordering, the system is a little different from Singapore or even Japan...look totally like a clown trying to figure out how and what to do...and the people there are not exactly the helpful and courteous type...

When we were at the bund, it was so so so cold(4-5 degrees), we hit into a restaurant just below the bund. The restaurant serves typical Shanghainese food. Very very local dishes. As expected, we are the only to non-Shanghainese in the restaurant. The people surrounding us are all talking so loudly taht they look like they are fighting, but trust me, they are having a FRIENDLY conversation. Now about thevrestaurant... I ordered fried beef and UsagiKiller orderd a Huge bowl of Fish and Vegetable Soup, plus a plate of preserved vegetables.

Yes, the Beef looks very very very suspicious. This thought came upon me when I am eating the beef.."Dunno where this cow is from..or is it even cow or cat meat perhaps..." Of cos i din tell UsagiKiller, I told her the beef is really soft and juicy and have no strong smell, that she should try it. Of cos, she was convinced and had a piece...hahahahahahahahaahah!(Gotcha!)

Ok, the soup is really huge. Can serve a family of 5!!! We could hardly finish it..but it was yummy. Very local, very yummy! I told UsagiKiller taht the fish in the soup could be some weird fish from the river at the Bund! Of cos that spoiled her dinner!! hahahahahaah!

The preserved Vegetables looks the most harmless...

Photo(from Top to bottom) :
1-Vinegar for the Dumpling
2-THE Dumpling
4-The Fish-from-Bund-Soup
5-See how big the bowl of fish soup is...!

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