Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Shanghai - A Ping...

This is the place.

We had a hard time finding it on the first day.

Only from recommendation that people will know the place. Not manay people actually know that this place exist. We walk and walk and got lost(thanks to all the conflicting direction the streets people gave), and finally...we found the place! Lucky the weather is cool and nice to walk...

The BIG DEER ROAD!!! hahahahaahhah!

Of cos, we spent lotsa money in this shop... we have requests and also personal purchases too. We spent about 3 hours with A Ping...

Dun ask me what she sells, all I can say is, her stuffs are Triple Grade A products!!!

She is very nice, and easy to discuss with. Patience as well, which is very tought to find from people there...

Photo(Top to bottom):
1~The only link we have to A Ping...
2~Street outside A Ping's
3~Yes! We found it!!!
4~A Ping's door that looks scary..dunno what's inside..but it's full of wonder!
5~View from A Ping's window...

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