Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Shanghai ~ The Hotel


Just came back. Took a short trip to Shanghai. Gonna post some photos and entries about the city, my very first time there. Well, as expected, I took a whopping 1008 photos there. haha! So bare with me as i run thru the city in my next few blog entries!

Arrived very early at Shanghai today, really cold, about 5-6 degrees.

Took the red eye flight. Slept thru the whole flight like a baby.

Luckily, a staff from the hotel greeted us at the airport and brought us straight to the hotel. Took about 1 hour, due to the heavy traffic on a Friday morning, plus all the bicycles and the heavy human traffic does not help at all! You cannot imagine how the people there cross the streets. Simply no regards of the traffic lights! Horns are sounded every other second. Really scary...

The beautiful hotel greeted us, a hot cuppa upon check-in, followed by a beautiful room. Room is huge, welcome cards and fruits were placed in the room, an extremely soft bed, feather duvet, Sharp Aquos TV, DVD player, huge luxurous bathroom and of cos, not forgetting the beautiful view from the room.

The hotel is very well located at a bustling street, and right next to my favorite coffee chain, Starbucks!!

Christmas mood is all over the place, with the decor and lightings!

We did a full site-inspection of the property, met the sales team, really nice people! Had lunch at the Summer Pavilion Restaurant, then by late afternoon, we were off to the streets, searching for a particular place to buy some stuffs that were requested by "mum-in-law" and of cos some for ourselves.

Photos(from top to bottom):
1-Hotel Entrance
2-Welcome cards
3-More welcome cards
4-Gifts from colleagues
5-More gifts from colleagues

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Wah lau, disgusting! Make me jealous....hahaha